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Add a version selection page to prototype
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We are currently building a second prototype for improving edit conflicts. When trying out the new prototype you should be able to select either of the two versions (new prototype and current beta feature)

Add a "start page" as shown in the mock. Clicking on the new prototype link should lead to the new prototype, clicking on the current TwoColConflict link should lead you to the existing test page.


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Here is what the start page of the simulation page could look like, so people can choose which resolving version they like to choose.
I could imagine, that clicking on the small preview would open the tutorial. What do you think?

Start-page.jpg (2×4 px, 1 MB)

I like, but I would switch the order and set the new one as default to encourage more people trying out the new interface. With electron pdfs clicking on the preview would also select this version, so I tend to wanting to stick to the same behavior. Maybe there could be an info "?" next to each of them though?

Would that one work better for you?

Start-page.jpg (2×4 px, 1 MB)

And when clicking on the info "?" you would see the tutorial I assume? That would mean we need a tutorial for the new prototype as well. In an earlier discussion we talked about a tour of the site rather than a tutorial. I'm not quite sure how to handle that one now? If you confirm the tutorial, I would go on build some screens for that. Regarding the text I would just make some quick suggestions which could then be edited if needed.

Good point. So info "?" don't really make sense right now I guess. Which tutorial did you have in mind?

We decided against this intro page, and keep testing both prototypes seperately