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Table with the header from a template not recognised
Open, LowestPublic


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It is basically formatted as a table, only the header comes from a template for consistency over all lists. When I tried to edit the table, it doesn't recognize a table, only a template and if you edit it sees the table as content that can be edited as wikitext although technically it falls outside the template.

Is this case better recognisable so it can be edited normally as a table?

Event Timeline

Arlolra triaged this task as Medium priority.Jan 4 2018, 10:32 PM
Arlolra subscribed.

There's a discussion of DOM scopes in T118110

Is this case better recognisable so it can be edited normally as a table?

Maybe? There's a long discussion about balanced templates in T114445

Deskana lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Lowest.Aug 31 2018, 10:55 AM
Deskana subscribed.

Tables constructed in this manner are very difficult to correctly support, so this is very low priority for the Editing team to fix.