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Table made of mix of table syntax and row templates is uneditable
Open, MediumPublic


Someone may already have had this issue and reported it previously at unrelated

I can only edit the headings of the table but not the other cells.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to with Firefox Version 56.0.2 (64- bit) or Chrome Version 63.0.3239.84 (Official Build) (64-bit) (Chrome up to date as of the writing of this);
  2. Make sure you are logged in;
  3. Click "edit";
  4. Visual Editor should appear;
  5. Go to "Episodes" table;
  6. Double-click on empty space on the cell named "Title";
  7. A text cursor should appear;
  8. Click on the "10" citation;
  9. A dialog box with information and an edit button should appear;
  10. Double-click "Vicki" in the first cell under the table heading "No. in series";
  11. Selected text just flashes instantaneously, you can't select text and the text cursor doesn't appear, you can't edit the cell;
  12. Go to the cell named "1.68" under the table heading named "U.S. viewers (million)";
  13. Double-click on empty space in the cell;
  14. Nothing happens, except a flicker of a line, text cursor doesn't appear, you can't edit the cell;
  15. Click on the "11" citation;
  16. The start of the article in visual editor appears, or alternatively, the "11" citation under the section "References" appear -no longer in visual editor; edition of the citation template is not possible.

Actual Results:
Can't edit the cells nor the citation templates except the cells of the table headings and their citation templates.

Expected Results:
Should be able to edit all the cells of the table and their citation templates.

Other information that might be useful:

  • Using a laptop with Windows 10 Single Language (Spanish version), 64 bits.
  • This bug may be only in the article "The Real Housewives of Orange County (season 12)"; I tried another article with a table (List of countries by firearm-related death rate related_death_rate) but there was no bug in the table there, so I was able to edit the cells there.

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

Have tested, and can reproduce. This is probably happening because the table is built using templates, but the normal prompt to edit the template (like you get when you click the infobox) doesn't appear.

Esanders renamed this task from I can't edit a a table with visual editor in Wikipedia article to Table made of mix of table syntax and row templates is uneditable.Dec 15 2017, 12:22 PM
Esanders edited projects, added Parsoid; removed VisualEditor-ContentEditable.
Arlolra triaged this task as Medium priority.Jan 4 2018, 11:14 PM
Arlolra added subscribers: Esanders, Arlolra.

Similar to T183701 in the sense of the scope of the transclusion, but ...

the normal prompt to edit the template (like you get when you click the infobox) doesn't appear.

that part seems broken. Not sure why @Esanders thinks otherwise

VE has partial support for template-generated table cells ("cellable transclusions"), but apparently none for template-generated table rows. Our table code could probably handle this, but we haven't implemented it yet.