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Africa Wikimedia Developers IRC general meeting #6
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Information regarding upcoming meeting

NOTE: For last meeting and minutes, see here:

When: Friday 11th of May
Time: 4pm - 5:30pm UTC
Where: #wikimedia-dev-africa on Freenode
Hosts: @rosalieper

Meeting Agenda

  • GSoC and Outreachy results from AWMD
  • Opportunity for developers (one month duration)
  • Review on past contributions
  • Difficulties faced during contributions
  • Suggested solutions
  • How to improve on the AWMD Stat tool
  • Conclusion and remarks

Meeting Logs

12018-05-11 16:12:25 <r054l13> Hi everyone
22018-05-11 16:12:49 <r054l13> Please sory for being late for the meeting. Internet issues :(
32018-05-11 16:13:10 <r054l13> I can see Eugene233 and africanhope :)
42018-05-11 16:13:44 ** r054l13_ joined channel
52018-05-11 16:13:44 <r054l13> I think the meeting can start if we are all present
62018-05-11 16:14:14 <africanhope> I think so
72018-05-11 16:14:22 <r054l13> great
82018-05-11 16:14:23 <africanhope> By the way, Hello everyone
92018-05-11 16:14:50 ** r054l13 has quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer
102018-05-11 16:14:50 ** r054l13_ has quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer
112018-05-11 16:14:56 <Eugene233> Hi Everyone
122018-05-11 16:15:15 <Eugene233> africanhope:
132018-05-11 16:15:38 <africanhope> Eugene233: yeah man
142018-05-11 16:15:48 <Eugene233> africanhope: Hello, Hope you are doing just fine
152018-05-11 16:16:03 <africanhope> Eugene233: I am doing great
162018-05-11 16:17:22 ** r054l13 joined channel
172018-05-11 16:18:46 ** r054l13_ joined channel
182018-05-11 16:19:27 <r054l13>
192018-05-11 16:19:35 <r054l13> the meeting agenda
202018-05-11 16:19:48 <r054l13> Sorry for poping in and out
212018-05-11 16:21:29 <r054l13>
222018-05-11 16:21:35 <Eugene233> r054l13: It's fine. Ride on
232018-05-11 16:22:00 <r054l13> Eugene233: thanks
242018-05-11 16:22:45 <r054l13> I sent the agenda and the link to the minutes in case one will like to help sumerise a few things down
252018-05-11 16:23:21 <r054l13> So the first point on the agenda is ;
262018-05-11 16:23:25 <r054l13> GSoC and Outreachy results from AWMD
272018-05-11 16:24:15 <Eugene233> Great!
282018-05-11 16:25:10 <r054l13> So far this is first time AWMD goes in for outreach pograms
292018-05-11 16:25:39 <r054l13> So alot of students where new to the program and some had external difficulties
302018-05-11 16:26:21 <r054l13> In previous meetings we spoke of some methods of making a change for next year
312018-05-11 16:26:41 <r054l13> But before that, this year was not void for us :)
322018-05-11 16:27:50 <r054l13> We got a student from Africa accepted for the Google Summer of Code program under Wikimedia. Good news :D
332018-05-11 16:28:38 <africanhope> Good to hear
342018-05-11 16:29:11 <r054l13> I think if we have to do better next year we should prepare now. And why not even have AWMD propose a project for the summer of code
352018-05-11 16:29:39 ** r054l13 has quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer
362018-05-11 16:29:40 ** r054l13_ has quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer
372018-05-11 16:30:04 ** r054l13 joined channel
382018-05-11 16:30:17 ** r054l13_ joined channel
392018-05-11 16:30:32 <r054l13> My internet is a real mess now.
402018-05-11 16:31:02 <africanhope> r054l13: Don't worry, we understand
412018-05-11 16:31:13 <Eugene233> Great to know that we have a student from Africa. Does every one know the person ? :)
422018-05-11 16:31:25 <r054l13> africanhope: :)
432018-05-11 16:31:58 <Eugene233> r054l13: Very bright idea we also hope same. that will be depending on the progress of things
442018-05-11 16:31:58 <r054l13> Eugene233: uhmm should the persone be known? :D
452018-05-11 16:32:38 <r054l13> Eugene233: happy you share my point. we will look in that in upcoming meetings
462018-05-11 16:33:51 <r054l13> Ok guys, am the selected student.
472018-05-11 16:34:08 <africanhope> oh really?
482018-05-11 16:34:13 <Eugene233> r054l13: Congrats 🎉
492018-05-11 16:34:26 <africanhope> r054l13: Congratulations!
502018-05-11 16:34:32 ** r054l13 has quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer
512018-05-11 16:34:32 ** r054l13_ has quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer
522018-05-11 16:36:17 ** r054l13 joined channel
532018-05-11 16:36:20 ** r054l13_ joined channel
542018-05-11 16:37:18 <r054l13> We all did a great job during the application period and we are going to do more for sure.
552018-05-11 16:37:44 <r054l13> Any comment concerning that point so we move to next point
562018-05-11 16:38:26 <africanhope> Nothing to add here
572018-05-11 16:38:35 <r054l13> Ok great
582018-05-11 16:38:55 <r054l13> next point Opportunity for developers (one month duration)
592018-05-11 16:39:44 <r054l13> This point was included in the agenda just as a reminder to the mail Kacie sent on the mailing list
602018-05-11 16:40:23 <r054l13> It will be cool if those interested can apply for the job
612018-05-11 16:40:51 <Eugene233> r054l13: yes
622018-05-11 16:41:34 <r054l13> I think they need a UI/UX designer. I am glad she contacted us.
632018-05-11 16:42:24 <r054l13> If nothing more we can move to the next point
642018-05-11 16:42:42 <r054l13> Kacie's mail has all info concerning that
652018-05-11 16:45:35 <Eugene233> we can move on I'm sure...
662018-05-11 16:45:58 <r054l13> 3)Review on past contributions
672018-05-11 16:47:09 <r054l13> I may be mistaking but I am not sure of much progress for the month of april on our board
682018-05-11 16:47:47 <r054l13> I know d3r1ck and africanhope are working on the AWMD statistics tool
692018-05-11 16:48:34 <r054l13> But I have no information concerning any AWMD member making a contribution in April, If one has he can mention please
702018-05-11 16:49:21 <r054l13> Also, we are just 3 active members in this meeting. Like a lot of people are busy this period :)
712018-05-11 16:49:37 <africanhope> I guess so :)
722018-05-11 16:49:56 <africanhope> r054l13: Was the missing date announced earlier?
732018-05-11 16:49:59 <Eugene233> Or may be the others forgot there was a meeting
742018-05-11 16:50:17 <africanhope> It's only yesterday I remembered thanks to the e-mail you have sent
752018-05-11 16:50:51 <r054l13> well maybe we should anounce our meetings earlier and more often?
762018-05-11 16:51:39 <africanhope> It could help engage more people
772018-05-11 16:52:01 <r054l13> Also d3r1ck lost his grandma and I understand he is not present today.
782018-05-11 16:52:06 <r054l13> ;9
792018-05-11 16:52:13 <africanhope> That's sad
802018-05-11 16:52:13 <r054l13> ;(
812018-05-11 16:52:16 <r054l13> yea
822018-05-11 16:52:26 <africanhope> I'll make sure to contact him
832018-05-11 16:52:40 <r054l13> africanhope: what do you think of reminding 3 days before the meeting
842018-05-11 16:52:52 <r054l13> africanhope: that will be cool.
852018-05-11 16:53:50 <r054l13> africanhope: So can we start reminding of our meetings on wednesdays for the meeting on Friday
862018-05-11 16:53:52 <africanhope> If the day is known in advance 1 week earlier and then 3 days. 1 week earlier gives time to country coordinators to remind their guys accordingly
872018-05-11 16:54:14 <r054l13> AH! that's a good idea
882018-05-11 16:54:22 <r054l13> Ok!
892018-05-11 16:54:28 <Eugene233> r054l13: I second the idea
902018-05-11 16:54:36 <r054l13> nice
912018-05-11 16:55:25 <r054l13> I will be sending reminder emails one week before, 3 days before. the day before and finaly the actual day
922018-05-11 16:56:41 <africanhope> r054l13: Thanks very much. However its local coordinators job to keep in mind the monthly meeting dates and remind their guys.
932018-05-11 16:57:13 <r054l13> Nice precision
942018-05-11 16:57:26 <r054l13> Then we can go to next point if no more comment on this
952018-05-11 16:58:10 <africanhope> nice
962018-05-11 16:58:26 <r054l13> 4) Difficulties faced during contributions
972018-05-11 16:59:26 <r054l13> Normally this point is for new contributors and many are not present for the meeting today. except you guys have something to point out
982018-05-11 17:00:11 ** r054l13_ has quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer
992018-05-11 17:00:13 ** r054l13 has quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer
1002018-05-11 17:01:03 <africanhope> Eugene233: ? :)
1012018-05-11 17:01:38 <Eugene233> I have nothing to say for now about it.
1022018-05-11 17:01:50 ** r054l13 joined channel
1032018-05-11 17:02:35 <r054l13> Ok cool, we then move to next point
1042018-05-11 17:02:57 <r054l13> 5) Suggested solutions
1052018-05-11 17:03:34 <r054l13> Any suggestions to increase on our contributions and volunteer enthosiasm?
1062018-05-11 17:03:52 <Eugene233> I think we will better talk on the solutions when we are aware of the problems.
1072018-05-11 17:05:14 <r054l13> ok
1082018-05-11 17:05:26 <r054l13> next point
1092018-05-11 17:05:38 ** r054l13_ joined channel
1102018-05-11 17:05:42 <r054l13> How to improve on the AWMD Stat tool
1112018-05-11 17:06:51 <r054l13> africanhope: Can we hear from you on that please?
1122018-05-11 17:11:00 ** CFisch_NA changed nickname to CFisch_remote
1132018-05-11 17:11:46 <r054l13> Hey
1142018-05-11 17:12:00 <r054l13> Are you guys still there?
1152018-05-11 17:12:07 <africanhope> r054l13: Sorry
1162018-05-11 17:12:18 <africanhope> The tool is working properly
1172018-05-11 17:12:22 <r054l13> the meeting ends at 5:30 UTC :D
1182018-05-11 17:12:41 <r054l13> africanhope: Ok thanks
1192018-05-11 17:13:09 <africanhope> as of now we are working on improvement enhancements features available in the Issues of the github repo
1202018-05-11 17:13:29 <r054l13> Ok great
1212018-05-11 17:13:35 <r054l13> that's wow
1222018-05-11 17:13:44 <africanhope> Apparently there haven't been much patch submitted
1232018-05-11 17:14:12 <r054l13> Ok
1242018-05-11 17:14:40 <africanhope> Or maybe those submitting the patches do not have their usernames added to the tracking configuration:
1252018-05-11 17:14:49 <r054l13> Thank you very much for letting us know this
1262018-05-11 17:14:57 <r054l13> yea maybe
1272018-05-11 17:15:55 <r054l13> Well I guess they are still working on the patches
1282018-05-11 17:16:01 <africanhope> Also, I don't know where this fits, but I wanted to report about some of the work performed locally
1292018-05-11 17:16:20 <r054l13> Ok yea of course
1302018-05-11 17:16:33 <r054l13> we need it in the logs :D
1312018-05-11 17:18:49 <africanhope> ok, I gathered some of the local volunteer to start working on ticket T189368
1322018-05-11 17:18:59 <africanhope>
1332018-05-11 17:19:12 <r054l13> Ok
1342018-05-11 17:19:32 <africanhope> This is still in progress and at an early stage but their work will be available here soon
1352018-05-11 17:19:51 <r054l13> Wooow cool
1362018-05-11 17:20:30 <africanhope> Basically this is supposed to be a tool allowing people to upload certain icon to Commons with metadata fetched automatically
1372018-05-11 17:20:35 ** r054l13 has quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer
1382018-05-11 17:20:36 ** r054l13_ has quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer
1392018-05-11 17:21:18 ** r054l13 joined channel
1402018-05-11 17:21:23 ** r054l13_ joined channel
1412018-05-11 17:21:26 <africanhope> Will share more about it during next meeting hopefully
1422018-05-11 17:23:10 <r054l13_> ok Thank you
1432018-05-11 17:24:34 <r054l13_> With that said we can say the meeting was a great success and resourceful. Thank you all for being around on the channel and at this meeting. Most especially thanks for your contributions.
1442018-05-11 17:25:04 <Eugene233> r054l13:
1452018-05-11 17:25:09 <Eugene233> Thanks too
1462018-05-11 17:25:15 <Eugene233> Nice day guys
1472018-05-11 17:26:21 <r054l13_> In conclusion we have a GSoCer, a new tool, an already finished one and volunteers working on some tasks currently. Also we concluded to remind of meetings more often.
1482018-05-11 17:26:52 <r054l13_> Eugene233: Thank you and nice day too :)

Meeting Minutes