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As a user of reading lists, I'd like to know where my synced articles will be available.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Why are we doing this?

All of the users who tested reading list syncing assumed that their saved articles would be available on the web.

Proposed solution

Update the popover text to state that the articles will be synced across 'Wikipedia apps' and not devices

Pop up after a user logs inPop up for non-logged in user
User education after log in for syncing.png (667×375 px, 148 KB)
New user after first save.png (667×375 px, 150 KB)
Your saved articles and reading lists can now be saved to your Wikipedia account and synced across Wikipedia apps.Log in or create an account to allow your saved articles and reading lists to saved to your user preferences and synced across Wikipedia apps.

Event Timeline

cmadeo triaged this task as Medium priority.Mar 29 2018, 6:33 PM
cmadeo created this task.
cmadeo updated the task description. (Show Details)