As an editor of Wikidata-Lexeme I want to be able to Send edit request containing Sense data and the Lexeme will be saved entirely
Acceptance Criteria:
Given: Lexeme L1 exists
When: I send a change request to wbeditentity API that contains change to Sense data and references L1
Then: Lexeme L1 is saved
AND Requested changes to sense(s) are applied
By-example specification of the sense-related API request parts
Adding a sense
- "via lexeme"
- id = L1
- data =
{ ... "senses": [ ... { "add": "", "glosses": { "en": { "language": "en", "value": "A widely cultivated plant, Solanum lycopersicum, having edible fruit." } } } ... ] ... }
- "via sense"
- new = sense
- data =
{ "lexemeId": "L1", "glosses": { "en": { "language": "en", "value": "A widely cultivated plant, Solanum lycopersicum, having edible fruit." } } }
Editing sense glosses
- "via lexeme"
- id = L1
- data =
{ ... "senses": [ ... { "id": "L1-S2", "glosses": { "en": { "language": "en", "remove": "" } } } ... ] ... }
- "via sense"
- id = L1-S2
- data =
{ "glosses": { "en": { "language": "en", "remove": "" } } }
Deleting a sense
- "via lexeme" only
- id = L1-S2
- data =
{ ... "senses": [ ... { "id": "L1-S2", "remove": "" } ... ] ... }
Note: similar like in case of forms, changes to sense statement data using wbeditentity are NOT considered here.
Personas to take into account:
Alex - Data user in small startup