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Translate image captions from Commons **shown within articles** on the Android app
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This epic captures a proposed new "micro-contribution" which allows multilingual users to translate image captions from Commons shown within articles on the Android app.

Proposed design

Show a prompt to translate an image caption when the caption is missing for the language in which the article is being read, but is available in another language the user knows.
(This means users who have only one app language should *never* see a CTA to translate captions.)

NOTE: See Zeplin project for redlined mocks, tagged with image caption translation
1. Add translation flow
User job story: For a Multilingual reader of Wikipedia

When... I'm shown an image without a caption in the article's language...
I want... to be shown the caption (if it exists) in another language I can read, with an option to translate it to the original article's language, that I can... better understand the image and have the opportunity to contribute a translation.

Scenario: In the following flow, the user has opened an image on EN Wikipedia, which has no English captions, only a French caption. They are therefore prompted to add a translation for the language of the Wiki they are on (EN) because they have the system language of English and the search language of French.

  1. Open an English article, and tap to view an image in the full screen gallery which does not have an English caption, but does have a French caption.
  2. Tap on CTA to translate the caption.
  3. Onboarding is triggered the first time the CTA is tapped.
  4. User finishes viewing the caption translation onboarding and is shown the image caption translation screen
  5. User enters a very long caption and sees a warning about exceeding the recommended caption length (note this is not enforced)
  6. User taps on the preview thumb list item to view a larger version of the image and full caption in French in a modal dialog
  7. User returns to the caption translation screen and provides a shorter English translation within the recommended character limit
  8. User selects the checkmark to complete the translation. It is expected that they will be shown the caption translation completed message. (This full message should only be shown for the first 3 times a user adds a translation)
  9. Upon closing the confirmation message, user is shown the image with the new English caption as well as a CTA to edit their translation (note: this edit translation action is only visible to the user who made the edit in the same session)
2. Caption translation queue
User job story: For a Multilingual reader who has contributed a caption translation

When... I have demonstrated my abilities as an editor of good standing...
I want to... be shown more images requiring translations, that I can... maintain and grow my contributions to Wikipedia.

Scenario: A user with EN and FR set in their app has made a good quality caption translation. Based on similar flows for Title descriptions, we may initially set the criteria for 'good quality' as a caption that has not been reverted in the 48hrs after they were created.

  1. User is shown a dialog advising they have "unlocked" a queue of images requiring caption translations
  2. Upon selecting "Get started" they are shown the Caption translation feed, where each card in the feed shows an image that requires a caption translated from the first language to the second.
  3. User scrolls down the feed and sees a CTA to load more cards.

Notes on the design:

  • TBC how the queue will populate captions, initially we could just generate 10 images in the queue based on the language pairing selected (in this eg., the user has their first app language as EN and they want to translate to EN any captions that contain French.
  • The user is able to change language pairings within those that are in their app settings.
  • We may restrict this queue only to users who are logged in to the app.

Event Timeline

Hi @RHo. Stumbled upon this task task recently. Sounds very interesting! Just leaving a little thought I have.

  1. In Scenario 1, it would be nice if the users were given the ability to translate the captions to languages other than that of the current article language. To be more clear, if I have chose the Wikipedia languages as English and Tamil and the image has an caption in English but not in Tamil. It would be nice if I also have the ability to translate the caption to Tamil. It might be a secondary action though.

Could you please also clarify the following:

  1. Is the languages known by users found by the Wikipedia languages chosen by the user?
  2. As you seem to be using article language as a source of CTA, would the users be allowed to translate the captions of the "Featured images"? It would be nice if they were, for the sake of consistency. I generally see images more in the feed than in the articles.

Hi @Kaartic - just a disclaimer that this is a *early* idea from the Barcelona Hackathon which I just wanted to document on Phabricator, but is not yet a concrete project yet! Having said that, please see my responses inline below.

  1. In Scenario 1, it would be nice if the users were given the ability to translate the captions to languages other than that of the current article language. To be more clear, if I have chose the Wikipedia languages as English and Tamil and the image has an caption in English but not in Tamil. It would be nice if I also have the ability to translate the caption to Tamil. It might be a secondary action though.

– As the first priority, the idea is providing users the ability to translate captions that appear in context of the particular language wiki article they are viewing. Since the same images are not necessarily shown in all articles across all languages, we are not (at least as v1) intending to provide an option for users to translate a caption into a language for which they may not be able to see the image in context on the other Wikipedia language.

Could you please also clarify the following:

  1. Is the languages known by users found by the Wikipedia languages chosen by the user?
  • The Wikipedia languages a user sets in their app (a feature coming in the next release, per T190838) will be used to determine when the call to action to translate is shown. Ie., we assume that if a user has set EN and FR as their app languages, we will only show the CTA to translate when there is an image on that has the French caption and missing English, or an image on which has an English caption but missing a French caption.
  1. As you seem to be using article language as a source of CTA, would the users be allowed to translate the captions of the "Featured images"? It would be nice if they were, for the sake of consistency. I generally see images more in the feed than in the articles.

– Yes, I believe the CTA should also appear on the full screen view of the feed's Picture of the Day images as well, since we are also showing the same source of captions here from Commons as article images when viewed in full screen.

Hi @Kaartic - just a disclaimer that this is a *early* idea from the Barcelona Hackathon which I just wanted to document on Phabricator, but is not yet a concrete project yet!

I understand that. I was just providing some early feedback about something I stumbled upon and found interesting :-)

Could you please also clarify the following:

  1. As you seem to be using article language as a source of CTA, would the users be allowed to translate the captions of the "Featured images"? It would be nice if they were, for the sake of consistency. I generally see images more in the feed than in the articles.

– Yes, I believe the CTA should also appear on the full screen view of the feed's Picture of the Day images as well, since we are also showing the same source of captions here from Commons as article images when viewed in full screen.

In which case what would be the context language wiki here as there is no article associated with feed images, I suppose?

Could you please also clarify the following:

  1. As you seem to be using article language as a source of CTA, would the users be allowed to translate the captions of the "Featured images"? It would be nice if they were, for the sake of consistency. I generally see images more in the feed than in the articles.

– Yes, I believe the CTA should also appear on the full screen view of the feed's Picture of the Day images as well, since we are also showing the same source of captions here from Commons as article images when viewed in full screen.

In which case what would be the context language wiki here as there is no article associated with feed images, I suppose?

– I believe the *context* language for the Picture of the Day card would be the first language in the app languages list. So for example if my languages were 1/ DA, 2/EN, and the Picture of the day had no Danish caption, we would show the English caption would give users the option to translate to Danish.

Vvjjkkii renamed this task from Translate image captions from Commons within the Android app to s2aaaaaaaa.Jul 1 2018, 1:04 AM
Vvjjkkii raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.
Vvjjkkii updated the task description. (Show Details)
Vvjjkkii removed a subscriber: Aklapper.
Kaartic renamed this task from s2aaaaaaaa to Translate image captions from Commons within the Android app.Jul 1 2018, 3:35 PM
Kaartic lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.
Kaartic updated the task description. (Show Details)
Kaartic added a subscriber: Aklapper.
Restricted Application changed the subtype of this task from "Deadline" to "Task". · View Herald TranscriptAug 23 2018, 4:36 PM
RHo renamed this task from Translate image captions from Commons within the Android app to Translate image captions from Commons **shown within articles** on the Android app.Sep 21 2018, 5:43 PM
RHo updated the task description. (Show Details)