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EventLogging in Hive data loss due to Camus and Kafka timestamp.type=CreateTime change
Closed, ResolvedPublic8 Estimated Story Points


I don't yet fully understand what happened here, but on June 7th we switched from kafka.message.timestamp.type from LogAppendTime to CreateTime in order to support event timestamp for EventBus messages. This worked fine, but somehow on June 14th, 7 days (our default Kafka topic retention period) after we made this change, the Kafka log roller seemed to truncated the previous full weeks worth of logs, causing Camus to get upset. Camus had stored offsets that were now out of range of what was available in Kafka. Without set in, Camus will choose to abort instead of try to figure out what to do. These errors were appearing in the Camus logs:

Please check whether kafka cluster configuration is correct. You can also specify config parameter: to start processing from earliest kafka metadata offset.
18/06/14 16:05:10 ERROR kafka.CamusJob: Offset range from kafka metadata is outside the previously persisted offset, eventlogging_SaveTiming    uri:tcp://kafka-jumbo1005.eqiad.wmnet:9092      leader:1005     partition:0     earliest_offset:15032211        offset:15025121 latest_offset:15035066  avg_msg_size:568        estimated_size:5648760
Topic eventlogging_SaveTiming will be skipped.

This has been happening ever since June 14th for many EventLogging topics. I'm not yet sure if others were affected. I just merged a patch to set, and am running Camus not for eventlogging topics. This will fix their imports and cause the last 7 days (since June 28) to begin importing, but we will need to backfill for any affected topics for data between June 14 - June 28.

Luckily we still have this date range in the files on eventlog1002 in /srv/log/eventlogging/archive.

Event Timeline

Ottomata renamed this task from EventLogging in Hive Data Loss due to Camus and Kafka timestamp.type=CreateTime change to EventLogging in Hive data loss due to Camus and Kafka timestamp.type=CreateTime change.Jul 5 2018, 7:17 PM

Change 444043 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ottomata; owner: Ottomata):
[operations/puppet@production] Set camus

Change 444043 merged by Ottomata:
[operations/puppet@production] Set camus

Change 444050 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ottomata; owner: Ottomata):
[operations/puppet@production] Camus kafka.max.historical.days=-1 for event(logging) data

This is the list of affected eventlogging topics:


Change 444050 merged by Ottomata:
[operations/puppet@production] Camus kafka.max.historical.days=-1 for event(logging) data

Grepping for missing data in all-events.log in time range:

cd /srv/log/eventlogging/archive;
for f in all-events.log-20180615.gz \
all-events.log-20180616.gz \
all-events.log-20180617.gz \
all-events.log-20180618.gz \
all-events.log-20180619.gz \
all-events.log-20180620.gz \
all-events.log-20180621.gz \
all-events.log-20180622.gz \
all-events.log-20180623.gz \
all-events.log-20180624.gz \
all-events.log-20180625.gz \
all-events.log-20180626.gz \
all-events.log-20180627.gz \
all-events.log-20180628.gz \
all-events.log-20180629.gz; do

dt=$(echo $f | sed 's@.gz@@g' | sed 's@all-events.log-@@g')
echo "Saving replay events from $f into $replay_file"
zgrep -E '(AdvancedSearchRequest|CentralAuth|CentralNoticeImpression|ChangesListClickTracking|ChangesListFilterGrouping|ContentTranslation|ContentTranslationCTA|EchoInteraction|EchoMail|EditConflict|EditorActivation|EventError|FlowReplies|GeoFeatures|GettingStartedRedirectImpression|GuidedTourButtonClick|GuidedTourExited|GuidedTourGuiderHidden|GuidedTourGuiderImpression|InputDeviceDynamics|Kartographer|MediaWikiPingback|MobileWebMainMenuClickTracking|MobileWebSearch|MobileWikiAppAppearanceSettings|MobileWikiAppArticleSuggestions|MobileWikiAppCreateAccount|MobileWikiAppDailyStats|MobileWikiAppEdit|MobileWikiAppFeed|MobileWikiAppFeedConfigure|MobileWikiAppFindInPage|MobileWikiAppInstallReferrer|MobileWikiAppIntents|MobileWikiAppiOSSessions|MobileWikiAppLangSelect|MobileWikiAppLogin|MobileWikiAppMediaGallery|MobileWikiAppNavMenu|MobileWikiAppOnboarding|MobileWikiAppOnThisDay|MobileWikiAppProtectedEditAttempt|MobileWikiAppRandomizer|MobileWikiAppReadingLists|MobileWikiAppSavedPages|MobileWikiAppStuffHappens|MobileWikiAppTabs|MobileWikiAppToCInteraction|MobileWikiAppWiktionaryPopup|MultimediaViewerAttribution|MultimediaViewerDimensions|MultimediaViewerDuration|MultimediaViewerNetworkPerformance|MultimediaViewerVersusPageFilePerformance|PrefUpdate|QuickSurveyInitiation|QuickSurveysResponses|RecentChangesTopLinks|SaveTiming|SearchSatisfactionErrors|ServerSideAccountCreation|TranslationRecommendationAPIRequests|UniversalLanguageSelector|UploadWizardErrorFlowEvent|UploadWizardExceptionFlowEvent|UploadWizardFlowEvent|UploadWizardStep|UploadWizardTutorialActions|UploadWizardUploadFlowEvent|WikimediaBlogVisit|WikipediaPortal|WikipediaZeroUsage)' $f > $replay_file &


Quite a few matches!

[@eventlog1002:/srv/el-recovery-otto] $ ls -lh
total 17G
-rw-r--r-- 1 otto wikidev 921M Jul  5 20:46 replay-events.T198906.20180615.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 otto wikidev 877M Jul  5 20:45 replay-events.T198906.20180616.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 otto wikidev 892M Jul  5 20:45 replay-events.T198906.20180617.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 otto wikidev 960M Jul  5 20:46 replay-events.T198906.20180618.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 otto wikidev 985M Jul  5 20:46 replay-events.T198906.20180619.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 otto wikidev 983M Jul  5 20:46 replay-events.T198906.20180620.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 otto wikidev 1.1G Jul  5 20:46 replay-events.T198906.20180621.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 otto wikidev 1.2G Jul  5 20:46 replay-events.T198906.20180622.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 otto wikidev 1.2G Jul  5 20:46 replay-events.T198906.20180623.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 otto wikidev 1.2G Jul  5 20:46 replay-events.T198906.20180624.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 otto wikidev 1.3G Jul  5 20:46 replay-events.T198906.20180625.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 otto wikidev 1.3G Jul  5 20:46 replay-events.T198906.20180626.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 otto wikidev 1.3G Jul  5 20:46 replay-events.T198906.20180627.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 otto wikidev 1.3G Jul  5 20:46 replay-events.T198906.20180628.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 otto wikidev 1.2G Jul  5 20:46 replay-events.T198906.20180629.log

Replaying these logs into Kafka via an eventlogging-consumer:

time for f in /srv/el-recovery-otto/*.log; do

echo "Replaying events in $f to Kafka":
echo "cat $f | /srv/deployment/eventlogging/analytics/bin/eventlogging-consumer stdin:// 'kafka-confluent:///kafka-jumbo1001.eqiad.wmnet:9092,kafka-jumbo1002.eqiad.wmnet:9092,kafka-jumbo1003.eqiad.wmnet:9092,kafka-jumbo1004.eqiad.wmnet:9092,kafka-jumbo1005.eqiad.wmnet:9092,kafka-jumbo1006.eqiad.wmnet:9092?topic=eventlogging_{schema}&message.send.max.retries=6,'"

cat $f | /srv/deployment/eventlogging/analytics/bin/eventlogging-consumer stdin:// 'kafka-confluent:///kafka-jumbo1001.eqiad.wmnet:9092,kafka-jumbo1002.eqiad.wmnet:9092,kafka-jumbo1003.eqiad.wmnet:9092,kafka-jumbo1004.eqiad.wmnet:9092,kafka-jumbo1005.eqiad.wmnet:9092,kafka-jumbo1006.eqiad.wmnet:9092?topic=eventlogging_{schema}&message.send.max.retries=6,'


Hm, I have a theory! This only affected low volume (EventLogging) topics. Assume that the log.message.timestamp.type change was the culprit, and that there is some timestamp related log retention bug when a Kafka log segment file has messages that were created when log.message.timestamp.type had different values. This bug could cause Kafka to miscalculate when an individual log segment needs to be deleted. Our log.segment.size is 512MB. For the low volume topics, there might not be > 512MB worth of data in a 7 day period. This would mean that a single segment file would span all 7 days. If there is a bug like this, Kafka might decide that this file needs deleted, even if there is data in it that is newer than 7 days old.

For the higher volume topic-partitions, there would be multiple log files created within a 7 day period. Camus would be relatively caught up, and when starting would be reading from the latest segment file. If Kafka deletes its oldest segment file (the one that was being appended to when we changed log.message.timestamp.type), it wouldn't affect up-to-date consumers.

For low volume topics, there may be only one segment file with all messages for that topic in it. If Kafka deletes that file, then when Camus starts it would try to start from an offset in Kafka that no longer exists.

Running refine to backfill the last 552 hours. Camus imported hours with new data will be re-refined.

As hdfs user:

/usr/bin/spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster --driver-memory 8G --conf spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors=64 --files /etc/hive/conf/hive-site.xml --class --name backfill_json_refine_eventlogging_analytics_T198906 /srv/deployment/analytics/refinery/artifacts/org/wikimedia/analytics/refinery/refinery-job-0.0.58.jar --parallelism 24 --since 552 --table-blacklist '^Edit|ChangesListHighlights$' --send-email-report --to-emails --input-base-path /wmf/data/raw/eventlogging --input-regex 'eventlogging_(.+)/hourly/(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)' --input-capture 'table,year,month,day,hour' --output-base-path /wmf/data/event --database event 2>&1 | tee -a /tmp/backfill_json_refine_eventlogging_analytics_T198906.log

YARN application id is: application_1527607587036_134142

Scratch that previous command, I got that out of an old now unpuppetized wrapper script for the old 'json' based Refine jobs. (I deleted the wrapper scripts).

We just deleted all _REFINED done flag files between June 14 and June 28, and now launched a new Refine job like:

/usr/bin/spark2-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster --queue production --driver-memory 16G --conf spark.driver.extraClassPath=/usr/lib/hive/lib/hive-jdbc.jar:/usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-client-common.jar:/usr/lib/hive/lib/hive-service.jar --conf spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors=100 --files /etc/hive/conf/hive-site.xml --class --name backfill_refine_eventlogging_analytics_T198906 /srv/deployment/analytics/refinery/artifacts/org/wikimedia/analytics/refinery/refinery-job-0.0.62.jar --parallelism 64 --since 2018-06-14T00:00:00 --until 2018-07-03T00:00:00 --table-blacklist '^Edit|ChangesListHighlights|InputDeviceDynamics$' --send-email-report --to-emails --input-base-path /wmf/data/raw/eventlogging --input-regex 'eventlogging_(.+)/hourly/(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)' --input-capture 'table,year,month,day,hour' --output-base-path /wmf/data/event --database event --transform-functions, 2>&1 | tee /tmp/backfill_refine_eventlogging_analytics_T198906.log

YARN application id is: application_1527607587036_134227

18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 151 of 151 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MobileWikiAppProtectedEditAttempt` (total # refined records: 9932)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 107 of 107 dataset partitions into table `event`.`TranslationRecommendationAPIRequests` (total # refined records: 1760)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 235 of 235 dataset partitions into table `event`.`PrefUpdate` (total # refined records: 664903)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 219 of 219 dataset partitions into table `event`.`EchoInteraction` (total # refined records: 413902)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 178 of 178 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MobileWikiAppFeedConfigure` (total # refined records: 26518)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 223 of 223 dataset partitions into table `event`.`WikipediaPortal` (total # refined records: 162468)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 227 of 227 dataset partitions into table `event`.`UniversalLanguageSelector` (total # refined records: 433052)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 79 of 79 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MobileWikiAppWiktionaryPopup` (total # refined records: 632)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 225 of 225 dataset partitions into table `event`.`ChangesListClickTracking` (total # refined records: 191044)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 334 of 334 dataset partitions into table `event`.`GuidedTourGuiderHidden` (total # refined records: 9512)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 121 of 121 dataset partitions into table `event`.`GuidedTourExited` (total # refined records: 2455)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 427 of 427 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MobileWikiAppIntents` (total # refined records: 253770)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 430 of 430 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MobileWikiAppiOSSessions` (total # refined records: 4755660)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 201 of 201 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MobileWikiAppOnThisDay` (total # refined records: 50026)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 98 of 98 dataset partitions into table `event`.`AdvancedSearchRequest` (total # refined records: 1447)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 185 of 185 dataset partitions into table `event`.`WikimediaBlogVisit` (total # refined records: 21640)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 222 of 222 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MultimediaViewerDuration` (total # refined records: 86836)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 126 of 126 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MobileWikiAppNavMenu` (total # refined records: 4089)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 152 of 152 dataset partitions into table `event`.`ContentTranslation` (total # refined records: 9997)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 10 of 10 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MobileWikiAppStuffHappens` (total # refined records: 26)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 169 of 169 dataset partitions into table `event`.`GuidedTourButtonClick` (total # refined records: 19174)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 222 of 222 dataset partitions into table `event`.`ChangesListFilterGrouping` (total # refined records: 101491)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 237 of 237 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MobileWikiAppArticleSuggestions` (total # refined records: 140021)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 228 of 228 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MultimediaViewerAttribution` (total # refined records: 144630)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 225 of 225 dataset partitions into table `event`.`SaveTiming` (total # refined records: 1819327)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 224 of 224 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MobileWikiAppLogin` (total # refined records: 158343)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 200 of 200 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MobileWikiAppRandomizer` (total # refined records: 35022)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 223 of 223 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MobileWikiAppFeed` (total # refined records: 707981)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 218 of 218 dataset partitions into table `event`.`UploadWizardTutorialActions` (total # refined records: 64383)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 152 of 152 dataset partitions into table `event`.`RecentChangesTopLinks` (total # refined records: 9202)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 126 of 126 dataset partitions into table `event`.`QuickSurveysResponses` (total # refined records: 2102)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 237 of 237 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MobileWikiAppEdit` (total # refined records: 274822)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 179 of 179 dataset partitions into table `event`.`GuidedTourGuiderImpression` (total # refined records: 32858)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 222 of 222 dataset partitions into table `event`.`GeoFeatures` (total # refined records: 493660)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 181 of 181 dataset partitions into table `event`.`UploadWizardUploadFlowEvent` (total # refined records: 30762)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 231 of 231 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MobileWikiAppInstallReferrer` (total # refined records: 189423)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 229 of 229 dataset partitions into table `event`.`ContentTranslationCTA` (total # refined records: 200153)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 118 of 118 dataset partitions into table `event`.`UploadWizardErrorFlowEvent` (total # refined records: 13685)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 208 of 208 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MobileWikiAppMediaGallery` (total # refined records: 77156)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 427 of 427 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MultimediaViewerDimensions` (total # refined records: 994199)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 203 of 203 dataset partitions into table `event`.`ServerSideAccountCreation` (total # refined records: 86476)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 217 of 217 dataset partitions into table `event`.`Kartographer` (total # refined records: 164287)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 232 of 232 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MobileWikiAppToCInteraction` (total # refined records: 1394848)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 123 of 123 dataset partitions into table `event`.`UploadWizardExceptionFlowEvent` (total # refined records: 3174)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 92 of 92 dataset partitions into table `event`.`ContentTranslationSuggestion` (total # refined records: 15415)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 230 of 230 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MobileWebMainMenuClickTracking` (total # refined records: 911336)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 386 of 386 dataset partitions into table `event`.`UploadWizardFlowEvent` (total # refined records: 2199)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 153 of 153 dataset partitions into table `event`.`EditorActivation` (total # refined records: 15713)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 154 of 154 dataset partitions into table `event`.`EditConflict` (total # refined records: 11095)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 169 of 169 dataset partitions into table `event`.`UploadWizardStep` (total # refined records: 114169)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 427 of 427 dataset partitions into table `event`.`GettingStartedRedirectImpression` (total # refined records: 71091)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 216 of 216 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MobileWikiAppAppearanceSettings` (total # refined records: 103624)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 32 of 32 dataset partitions into table `event`.`NavigationTiming` (total # refined records: 1324711)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 159 of 159 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MediaWikiPingback` (total # refined records: 15516)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 169 of 169 dataset partitions into table `event`.`EchoMail` (total # refined records: 60464)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 427 of 427 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MobileWikiAppSavedPages` (total # refined records: 115713)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 236 of 236 dataset partitions into table `event`.`CentralAuth` (total # refined records: 654521)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 212 of 212 dataset partitions into table `event`.`QuickSurveyInitiation` (total # refined records: 174814)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 427 of 427 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MobileWebSearch` (total # refined records: 497442)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 427 of 427 dataset partitions into table `event`.`SearchSatisfactionErrors` (total # refined records: 168836)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 106 of 106 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MobileWikiAppLangSelect` (total # refined records: 791)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 223 of 223 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MobileWikiAppFindInPage` (total # refined records: 85011)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 186 of 186 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MobileWikiAppCreateAccount` (total # refined records: 35711)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 200 of 200 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MobileWikiAppTabs` (total # refined records: 193744)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 241 of 241 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MultimediaViewerNetworkPerformance` (total # refined records: 447410)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 222 of 222 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MobileWikiAppDailyStats` (total # refined records: 668769)
18/07/07 03:43:45 INFO Refine: Successfully refined 209 of 209 dataset partitions into table `event`.`MobileWikiAppReadingLists` (total # refined records: 650348)
fdans moved this task from Incoming to Operational Excellence on the Analytics board.
Nuria set the point value for this task to 8.