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[Bug] In Tamil language, only the first character is saved when adding a Form
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Context: participant of a workshop trying to create a Lexeme in Tamil (ta): L7351

Creating the Lexeme went great, but while adding the first Form, a problem occurred.

  1. the user enters the representation in the field (typing with keyboard)
  2. the user clicks on Publish
  3. when the page reloads, only the first character is saved and displayed on the page

Strangely, when I tried to reproduce later, the bug didn't occur again, and I could save the full representation (copy-pasted from the lemma).

Event Timeline

Nikki added subscribers: Amire80, Nikki.

Someone just reported this on Telegram too, also for Tamil.

It seems it happens when using the input tools in ULS. It's not necessarily only the first character, it sometimes incorrectly thinks that no text has been entered at all, or sometimes saves multiple characters but not all of them. It affects Special:NewLexeme, lemmas, glosses and form representations.

To reproduce:

Expected behaviour: A lexeme is created with "டட" as the lemma

Actual behaviour: The lemma field is cleared and the form complains that the lemma can't be empty.

Before and after pressing enter:
Bildschirmfoto_2023-05-12_13-24-58.png (371×775 px, 26 KB) Bildschirmfoto_2023-05-12_13-25-13.png (398×773 px, 32 KB)

  • Now type "tata ta" (which should produce "டட ட") in the lemma field and press enter again

Expected behaviour: A lexeme is created with "டட ட" as the lemma

Actual behaviour: A lexeme is created with "டட" as the lemma:

Some workarounds are to press space at the end or to copy and paste the text.

Change 921664 had a related patch set uploaded (by Amire80; author: Amire80):

[mediawiki/extensions/UniversalLanguageSelector@master] Update jquery.ime and jquery.uls from upstream

Change 921664 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/UniversalLanguageSelector@master] Update jquery.ime and jquery.uls from upstream

jhsoby assigned this task to Nikki.

I can't reproduce this any more after Nikki's fix from last year was merged. Please reopen if I'm mistaken.