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Allow users to reach the current version of a page directly from mobile diff
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When viewing a diff on mobile (example) there is no link to the current version of that page.

Previously, clicking on the page title led to the current version. Since a couple of days, clicking on the page title leads to the old version of the page associated with the diff.

When checking talk pages on mobile, I often use my watchlist, the page history, and diffs to follow a specific conversation. Previously, I could join the conversation by clicking the page title and editing the relevant section. Now, I need to first click the page title and then find the link to the current version in this not-quite-mobile-friendly box:

grafik.png (213×422 px, 10 KB)

Alternatively, I need to edit the URL, removing the oldid parameter.

I understand the idea behind the page title leading to the old version, but from a usability standpoint the lack of a link to the current version is a step backwards.

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Jdlrobson subscribed.

@Cirdan thanks for your input here. We weren't sure whether the change would be useful or not, however I'd been told it was important to access the associated revision of a change (and previously this was impossible) so I thought this would be a step forwards.

However, given this is a step backwards should we revert this change and rethink access to revisions? I'm not clear if pointing to the current revision directly from the diff is more useful than the revision relating to the diff. Note if we point to the current revision we lose the revision navigation element you have mentioned in T200805 and thus access to older revisions. Note as you say the revision navigation element does have a link to the current revision, so it's just 2 clicks away rather than 1.

Interested to understand how editors use diffs to work out correct behaviour here!

@Cirdan thanks for your input here. We weren't sure whether the change would be useful or not, however I'd been told it was important to access the associated revision of a change (and previously this was impossible) so I thought this would be a step forwards.

I agree that it is definitely a step forward that it is now possible to access old versions of a page on mobile.

However, given this is a step backwards should we revert this change and rethink access to revisions? I'm not clear if pointing to the current revision directly from the diff is more useful than the revision relating to the diff.

I don't think you need to revert that change, at least not without feedback from other users. I just noticed it because it breaks my particular way of navigating.

Note if we point to the current revision we lose the revision navigation element you have mentioned in T200805 and thus access to older revisions. Note as you say the revision navigation element does have a link to the current revision, so it's just 2 clicks away rather than 1.

If the navigation element becomes mobile-friendly, that will work for me personally, but I believe that having clearly labelled links to both the old and the current revision is valuable especially for less experienced editors who are not yet familiar with the concept of revisions and diffs.

Thinking about it, I used the link to the current revision mostly to be able to edit the page in question, e.g. join a conversation on a talk page or change something about the edit I just reviewed. So perhaps a solution could be to provide the "editing pen" on the diff? We generally do not want people to edit old revisions of a page anyway, so having the pen link to the current revision probably meets the expectation of the users.

Jdlrobson added a subscriber: alexhollender_WMF.

@alexhollender can you propose some ideas to solve the above problem?

ovasileva triaged this task as Medium priority.Aug 10 2018, 3:10 PM
ovasileva subscribed.

Could somebody clarify the difference between this task and T200969? As far as I can understand the solution proposed there would solve the problem described in this task:

en.m.wikipedia.org_wiki_Special_MobileDiff_887807149...888487511(iPhone 6_7_8).png (1×750 px, 144 KB)

If indeed this works, we should merge the two tasks.

In T200804#5066066, @alexhollender wrote:

Could somebody clarify the difference between this task and T200969?

I'll try to:

The difference is that T200969 specifically deals with the diff between the current and the preceding version of a page. There, the box

grafik.png (213×422 px, 10 KB)
does not contain the link Aktuelle Version (current version) which gets you to the editable page (i.e. without oldid).

This task is about the more general problem that since the diff's headline leads to the old revision now, one has to first go to that revision and then click the Aktuelle Version link in the box.

As far as I can understand the solution proposed there would solve the problem described in this task:

en.m.wikipedia.org_wiki_Special_MobileDiff_887807149...888487511(iPhone 6_7_8).png (1×750 px, 144 KB)

If indeed this works, we should merge the two tasks.

The solution suggested for T200969 does resolve the issue, but would not necessarily have had to.