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No way to reach the editable version of a page when viewing the most recent mobile diff
Closed, ResolvedPublic3 Estimated Story Points


We will allow users to navigate from a diff to the latest revision (to view source at the time of the edit) as well as the page itself (to edit the current version). This is not possible with the current UI.


On older revisions, which are not the most recent, the link Latest revision (which is not available here, as we are on the most recent revision) actually goes to the article, not the most recent revision. So one can go back one diff and then go to the article, or switch to a different language and then back, but both are clearly not intuitive.

Clicking on current revision leads to a help page, which is not very intuitive in this context.

What we do on desktop for reference:

image.png (895×1 px, 485 KB)


en.m.wikipedia.org_wiki_Special_MobileDiff_887807149...888487511(iPhone 6_7_8).png (1×750 px, 144 KB)

Acceptance criteria

  • The new links show on all diffs - should with AMC enabled and should with AMC disabled.

QA Steps

  1. Go to a random article
  2. Scroll down to reach the page history
  3. Click the most recent entry in the page history, arriving at the mobile diff
  4. Imagine that you came here via your watchlist
  5. Click on the page title to reach the view of current revision
  6. Note that there are "edit pens", but one can only view the source, not edit (which makes sense on old revisions)

Expected: There is a way to reach the article page to see its current state and edit (i.e. without oldid attached to the URL)

Actual: There is no way to do that. The navigation box has no links to it:

grafik.png (211×506 px, 10 KB)

Developer notes

Code changes will need to be made in includes/specials/SpecialMobileDiff.php and CSS changes in resources/mobile.special.mobilediff.styles/

Further background

See also T200804 and T200805.

Event Timeline

There are a very large number of changes, so older changes are hidden. Show Older Changes

@alexhollender, the steps to reproduce appear to be:

  1. Click on
  2. Oops, that's broken.

That link is (currently) the most recent version, and the page is not protected. But the mobile site is refusing to open the mobile editor so you can edit it. It is incorrectly treating the page like it's fully protected.

Exactly. Most simple thing to do here is check that the revision matches the current one and show view source only for non matching revisions. Interestingly it only impacts the source editor (i can still edit in ve )

Screenshot_20181102-130114_Chrome.jpg (2×1 px, 390 KB)

A more ambitious idea might be to allow editing of all revisions... could be useful for rollback and undo features but the editor should make clear what's being edited to avoid mistakes

Jdlrobson triaged this task as Medium priority.Nov 5 2018, 3:31 PM
Jdlrobson added a subscriber: ovasileva.

@ovasileva we are having a few bug reports about this. High priority may make sense here..

ovasileva raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.Nov 5 2018, 4:25 PM
In T200969#4589239, @alexhollender wrote:

@Cirdan would what we do on desktop work here?

old-revision-edit.jpg (713×373 px, 131 KB)

Sorry for the late response.

Personally, I think that if one arrives at the latest revision of a page, the "navigation box" should not be shown at all, but instead the page itself should be shown. In other words: Don't display the revision, but display the page.

One often wants to read/edit a page, but less often wants to navigate through old revisions. If the latter is the case, the box is quite useless on mobile, as it is very difficult to click the small links (it also doesn't fit the style). If I really need to go through revisions, I use the mobile diff view, which is both easy to navigate and provides the much better UX.

@Cirdan Is it ever the case you need to view the source associated with the article? If so under what circumstances? From what I am hearing Alex, it does sound like the default behaviour should be to link to the article, but maybe 2 links are needed here?

Crude mock up (note the rev. link):

Screen Shot 2019-03-15 at 2.28.18 PM.png (341×339 px, 48 KB)

"Prince Albert..." would link to the current revision, rev. 589.. would link to the old revision (which seems like a lesser needed usecase)

@Jdlrobson helped me better understand the issue here. Starting with what we do on vector/desktop:

image.png (895×1 px, 485 KB)

@Cirdan would this be an acceptable mobile equivalent?

en.m.wikipedia.org_wiki_Special_MobileDiff_887807149...888487511(iPhone 6_7_8).png (1×750 px, 144 KB)

@Cirdan Is it ever the case you need to view the source associated with the article? If so under what circumstances?

Usually not. When I'm looking at a diff and want to reach the article, I usually want to see the most recent version, either to check how the change affects the article or to add a reply to an ongoing discussion. Either way, I want to reach the current version and be able to edit it.

This is different from my workflow on the desktop version, where I have the option to revert changes from the diff and can also edit old versions to restore a past state. I guess what's important to consider here is that experienced editors can in most cases visualize the changes made to an article, while new editors might be more likely to want to see a rendered version of an intermediate state.

@Jdlrobson based on our conversation I feel good about the design I posted in T200969#5038114. @Cirdan any additional feedback on that? Otherwise I think we're all set on design.

Jdlrobson updated the task description. (Show Details)
Jdlrobson moved this task from Needs Prioritization to Upcoming on the Web-Team-Backlog board.
Jdlrobson set the point value for this task to 3.Apr 2 2019, 4:18 PM

Change 502191 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jdrewniak; owner: Jdrewniak):
[mediawiki/extensions/MobileFrontend@master] Add link to current article from Special:MobileDiff page

Change 502191 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/MobileFrontend@master] Add link to current article from Special:MobileDiff page

pmiazga added a subscriber: Edtadros.

This task didn't have design review yet, moving it to "Needs design review".

Edtadros added a subscriber: Niedzielski.

Test Result

OS: macOS Mojave
Browser: Chrome
Device: MBP
Emulated Device: iPhoneX

Test Artifact(s):

QA Steps

  1. Go to a random article
  2. Scroll down to reach the page history
  3. Click the most recent entry in the page history, arriving at the mobile diff
  4. Imagine that you came here via your watchlist
  5. Click on the page title to reach the view of current revision
  6. Note that there are "edit pens", but one can only view the source, not edit (which makes sense on old revisions)

Expected: There is a way to reach the article page to see its current state and edit (i.e. without oldid attached to the URL)

Actual: There is no way to do that. The navigation box has no links to it:

@Niedzielski need a few clarifications

  1. I assumed this was to be tested in staging based on T200969#5125651 even though the link in the QA steps points to prod. I did this because I was making edits. Please let me know if this is the right place to test.
  2. At first, I thought the verification was step 6, but I'm not sure based on the Expected and Actual. Please confirm what the validation should be.
  3. The Acceptance Criteria state this should be with AMC enabled and disabled, so I did it twice...I'm pretty confident about this :)

Here are both runs:

AMC Enabled:

T200969-1.gif (648×304 px, 2 MB)

AMC Disabled:

T200969-2.gif (648×304 px, 667 KB)

QA Steps

  1. Go to a random article
  2. Scroll down to reach the page history
  3. Click the most recent entry in the page history, arriving at the mobile diff
  4. Imagine that you came here via your watchlist
  5. Click on the page title to reach the view of current revision
  6. Note that there are "edit pens", but one can only view the source, not edit (which makes sense on old revisions)

@Edtadros, I am seeing this same behavior on master. When I tap the edit pencils, it says "Viewing source of PAGE TITLE". What I see that's new is the parenthetical edit link on Special:MobileDiff. @Jdrewniak, is this expected?

At first, I thought the verification was step 6, but I'm not sure based on the Expected and Actual. Please confirm what the validation should be.

@Edtadros, I think step #6 caused the confusion. The "edit pens" do not appear on the most recent version of the article. The validation here is actually step 5: "Click on the page title to reach the view of current revision".

The goal here was to add a link to the current version of the article from the mobile diff page, and I think the videos you posted demonstrate that behaviour correctly. So I think this can go into sign-off.

Looks good to me as well. Tested in production on hewiki.