Update the pages on our wiki about the process around our financial work. Pages that need work are categorized here: https://se.wikimedia.org/wiki/Kategori:Ouppdaterade_sidor
Event Timeline
Jopparn renamed this task from Update the pages on wiki our financial work to Update the pages on wiki about our financial work.Aug 7 2018, 10:35 AM2018-08-07 10:35:32 (UTC+0)
Jopparn created this task.
Jopparn edited projects, added WMSE-Organisational-Development-2019; removed WMSE-Organisational-Development-2018.Jan 29 2019, 9:24 AM2019-01-29 09:24:04 (UTC+0)
Sebastian_Berlin-WMSE edited projects, added WMSE-Organisational-Development-2020; removed WMSE-Organisational-Development-2019.Jan 16 2020, 2:37 PM2020-01-16 14:37:21 (UTC+0)
Evelina-Bang-WMSE moved this task from Backlog to Evelina on the User-Evelina-Bang-WMSE board.Feb 28 2020, 3:12 PM2020-02-28 15:12:18 (UTC+0)
Evelina-Bang-WMSE removed Evelina-Bang-WMSE as the assignee of this task.Mar 11 2020, 4:47 AM2020-03-11 04:47:42 (UTC+0)
Evelina-Bang-WMSE removed the point value for this task.
Jopparn edited projects, added WMSE-Organisational-Development-2021; removed WMSE-Organisational-Development-2020.Jan 12 2021, 7:23 AM2021-01-12 07:23:21 (UTC+0)
Jopparn added a subtask: T191505: Move membership handling routines to wiki.Mar 24 2021, 2:58 PM2021-03-24 14:58:13 (UTC+0)
Jopparn closed this task as a duplicate of T180027: Update the information on the wiki about the financial work.