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Dup entries / cards when displaying results for patches submitted
Closed, ResolvedPublic


A notice about duplicate cards when information is updated in the .json file that acts as our database, see for example; When a user submits a patch, it's tracked and when it's merged and the page is refreshed, it makes a new entry instead of updating the currently from "NEW" to "MERGED" and as a result, it creates a duplicate of the same result set.

Event Timeline

xSavitar triaged this task as Medium priority.Aug 8 2018, 9:45 PM
xSavitar created this task.

This currently happens in production, see here:

xSavitar assigned this task to samuelguebo.

Thanks Samuel for fixing this issue. This can now be marked as resolved, check here:

Hello @samuelguebo, I'm reopening this due to 1 reason. The grouping works fine but the status of the patch is not updated. So after grouping, patches with status "NEW" still remain "NEW" even if it's been merged. Maybe you can have a look at this? :)

Hi @D3r1ck01, I suspect something, but can you provide me with a link so I can witness this situation?