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Give purge right to all users or remove it altogether
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Earlier registered users could purge the site cache for a page without confirmation and others were asked for confirmation. Due to T135170 now everyone is asked for confirmation. Recently "without confirmation" part was removed from right's description (T215131), but in Special:ListGroupRights it still doesn't add up quite. It's still listed as right of only the registered users, while actually anyone can purge the site cache for a page.

I suppose this right could be given to all users so that'd it'd better reflect the actual situation. Another option might be removing the right altogether. Comments here suggest that the right might not be needed.

Event Timeline

Where do you see the text "Purge the site cache for a page without confirmation"?

Where do you see the text "Purge the site cache for a page without confirmation"?

E.g. Special:ListGroupRights or Special:ListGrants.

Right's description has been changed now (T215131), but this doesn't seem sufficient. I'll update the task description.

Pikne renamed this task from Correct the description for purge right to Give purge right to all users or remove it altogether.Mar 31 2019, 7:35 AM
Pikne updated the task description. (Show Details)
Krinkle subscribed.

Does not appear to be an issue about the special page system, and no longer an issue about the text shown on ListGroupRights. Not sure what to focus the task on if anything, so passing it up to MediaWIki-General for now.

Purge right was removed a few months ago in dcaf840.