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Warning alternates between default and specified warning do not work
Closed, InvalidPublic


Hi. The new abusefilter messages for actions disallowing do not work.

  1. Create a new message for disallowing.
  2. Change the name in the filter description to the new message name.
  3. Save the filter.
  4. Reopen the filter for editing.

Expected: A new message name.
Got: The old name, "abusefilter-disallowed", and the pop-up menu does not recognize the new message.
Tried to change the name again - does not help. But the filter history shows the right name.

  1. Make an abusing action for this filter.
  2. See the regular warning message.
  3. Insist.

Expected: see the new disallowing message.
Got: see the same new disallowing message twice, one after another.
See here.

Event Timeline

@IKhitron I can't reproduce anything from this task. Tried on the beta cluster, this is the filter I used. You can check its history and the editing page, but everything works as expected. I also tried to trigger it, and got the right message.
I checked the filter you linked, but since I cannot edit it, it doesn't help much. Could you please provide extra info to help understand where the problem is?

@IKhitron more detailed steps about what you did, with other links if possible. I don't really know which info is needed, I can just say that the steps you provided aren't enough to trigger the problem(s) on the beta cluster. Alternatively, if that's fine for you, with a temporary sysop flag on hewiki I may try to test it there, in case this is due to some site-dependent stuff.

Actually, @Daimona, I gave you all that I have. If the problem is on my side, I do not see it.
I can't provide such a flag. Let's ask @eranroz.

@IKhitron that's weird. While we wait for the flag question, could you please try again making sure to follow the steps below?

  1. Open the page for editing the filter
  2. Turn on "disallow" if necessary
  3. Select an existing message from the dropdown (make sure to create it first, if necessary)
  4. Save the filter
  5. Check the editing interface to see if the change has been saved

Probably you already did it, but I want to double check.

Well, it works. I found the problem. Thank you for your help. The problem was that when I changed the name of message, and then choosed "another message" in the popup menu, it returned to "abusefilter-disallowed", probably as a browser bug, so I edited the wrong message. So, (A) can be closed as invalid. I still do not know why did I see the double message in (B), but I can't reproduce it any more. Maybe it was has something with (A), still I can't understand how is it possible. Or some system glich. Anyway, I'm closing the task as invalid now, and if (B) will return, I'll reopen it. Thanks again.

@IKhitron Thank you, glad to hear that everything works fine :-)