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mycustomjsredirectprotected * not permitted to edit user JS after moving in own user space
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Steps to reproduce:

  • Create some .js page in own user space
  • move to some other .js page in the identical own user space
  • move is executed
  • generated target page is fine
  • original redirect page is not editable any longer
  • message: int:mycustomjsredirectprotected
  • page is not protected

Generated page content as follows:

/* #REDIRECT */mw.loader.load("//\u0026action=raw\u0026ctype=text/javascript");

I want to get back the right to edit this page in my own user space.

Event Timeline

Failure error "You do not have permission to edit this JavaScript page because it is a redirect."

@Aklapper while this is similar to T210922 it should only be a duplicate if this is going to actually be worked on, else T210922 should still be solved the same way T (the one for admins to be able to delete js in general) was.
(That is if these redirects are supposed to be blocked from editing for some reason?)

There is a fix for this in T207750.

Tgr claimed this task.

I'm not sure what the current rules for adding people to security tasks are. Anyway, this should be fixed now.