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Consistently enforce min-width
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For screen widths below ~356pixels, due to differences in the implementations, the "sidebar of interactivity" behaves inconsistently.
The termbox edit pen will not allow to move closer to the left edge of the screen (disappearing as a consequence), while the other edit pens will stay at a fixed distance from the right edge of the screen


Bildschirmfoto von 2019-01-11 13-15-41.png (662×368 px, 53 KB)


Bildschirmfoto von 2019-01-11 13-16-12.png (662×337 px, 51 KB)

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I looked into this a little bit. According to the mocks we have a total min-width of 340px = 260 (main content) + 2*16 (borders) + 48 (interactive sidebar), so we don't have to (??) look at anything below that. At this moment in time, the the layout breaks a little bit before that because we add extra padding to the label/description/alias-boxes, which makes them go over the allotted width of 260px.

Side-note: The not-that-old iPhone 5/5s/SE has a resolution of 320x568, so maybe 340px is a bit too high for a min-width?