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Allow logging to tool SALs from Toolforge shell
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Wikimedia Cloud Services offers a separate SAL (Server Admin Log) for each Cloud VPS project and Toolforge tool, which, similar to the production and releng SALs, can be written to via IRC in the #wikimedia-cloud channel:

!log tools.quickcategories deployed ce83ffb040

However, when I’m working on a tool, I’m often not in IRC – either because it’s just not necessary and I haven’t bothered to start my IRC client, or even because I can’t join, my current internet connection isn’t stable enough for IRC (this happens frequently on trains, where the connection is just good enough for passable Mosh, but not more). In such situations, it would be very convenient if I could log directly from my Toolforge shell (on one of the bastion hosts) – ideally, when I’ve become a tool account, it would even prepend that to the message automatically.

In production, something similar is available through [logmsgbot](, which is used by commands like scap sync-file, though directly using it to manually log messages is discouraged: if you’re mucking about in production, you really ought to be in #wikimedia-operations as well. However, that restriction is less necessary on Toolforge, where your actions are probably limited to your tool – instead, here I think we should encourage logging and make it as easy as possible, from within the environment that you’re already in (your shell).

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I think this could be an interesting Wikimedia-Hackathon-2019 project, ideally with guidance from someone from cloud-services-team. Let’s add it to the board and see if anything comes out of it :) is basically what you're after (if you want to save some wheel reinventing) - you can use it directly on the command line, rather than just via scap...

Just needs an ircecho instance running somewhere as per that the hosts could access

Thanks, that helps. (I looked for scripts starting with log* in the $PATH, but didn’t think to search for ones with log anywhere in the name, so I didn’t find dologmsg.)

I think it would be good to run the ircecho on some VM, either in the Tools project or in a dedicated one – that way, we get a stable hostname (not some random grid/k8s worker) but aren’t open to the whole internet (should only be reachable from within *.eqiad.wmflabs IMO).

By the way, does ircecho authenticate itself on Freenode? I didn’t see anything like that skimming its source code.

By the way, does ircecho authenticate itself on Freenode? I didn’t see anything like that skimming its source code.

Doesn't look to.... But logmsgbot is cloaked

[13:44:18] * [Whois] logmsgbot is logmsgbot!~logmsgbot@wikimedia/bot/logmsgbot (logmsgbot)
[13:44:18] * [Whois] logmsgbot has voice on channels: #wikimedia-operations
[13:44:18] * [Whois] logmsgbot is online via (US)
[13:44:18] * [Whois] logmsgbot is using a secure connection
[13:44:18] * [Whois] logmsgbot is authed as logmsgbot
[13:44:18] * [Whois] End of /WHOIS list

Something in SingleServerIRCBot?

By the way, does ircecho authenticate itself on Freenode? I didn’t see anything like that skimming its source code.

It looks like we don't use that deb anymore. But instead it is:

In modules/profile/manifests/icinga/ircbot.pp there is $password_file = '/etc/icinga/.irc_secret and content => secret('icinga/icinga-wm_irc.secret'), which sets the password string.

Then this profile uses class { '::ircecho': and in there file { '/usr/local/bin/ircecho': with source => 'puppet:///modules/ircecho/',. So that is just a file in puppet.

Wait, I’m confused now – do we need an ircecho or a tcpircbot? modules/profile/manifests/icinga/ircbot.pp seems to be for the Icinga alerts, logmsgbot is in modules/profile/manifests/tcpircbot.pp as far as I can tell (with a separate Python script, modules/tcpircbot/files/, and getting its password from a different source as well, the passwords::logmsgbot class in private.git/modules/passwords/manifests/init.pp).

A side question regarding the following:

I think it would be good to run the ircecho on some VM, either in the Tools project or in a dedicated one – that way, we get a stable hostname (not some random grid/k8s worker) but aren’t open to the whole internet (should only be reachable from within *.eqiad.wmflabs IMO).

A dedicated project might take a while to set up (according to Cloud-VPS (Project-requests)) – is that process accelerated during the Hackathon or should I perhaps kick it off early? Or we can do it in deployment-prep – I don’t have admin rights there, but @Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE does, and I guess the distinction between us will just become a bit blurry ;) I’m an idiot – the right project would be tools, not deployment-prep, and I don’t have rights there with any account.

People from the cloud team will be in Prague, for sure

I don't know if it would be a good idea to run the normal ircecho from prod inside tools like that, IIRC it doesn't do any authentication of the originator of the message?

wm-bot's relay functionality works in #wikmedia-cloud. Currently no token is needed. @Legoktm has some automation scripts for some of his projects that use this to send !log messages.

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-cloud) [2019-05-15T20:24:57Z] <wm-bot> Toolforge dologmsg test (T222244)

@bd808 nice, thanks! I used the following script to generate the above message:



if ((${#groups[@]} > 1)); then
    printf >&2 '%s: more than one group found: %s\n' "$0" "${groups[*]}"
    exit 1
elif ((${#groups[@]} < 1)); then
    printf >&2 '%s: no group recognized\n' "$0"
    exit 1

if ! [[ $group == "$labsproject"* ]]; then
    printf >&2 '%s: group does not start with "%s": %s\n' "$0" "$labsproject" "$group"
    exit 1

if [[ $message == "" ]]; then
    printf >&2 '%s: no message\n' "$0"
    exit 1

printf '#wikimedia-cloud !log %s %s\n' "$group" "$*" > /dev/tcp/wm-bot2.wm-bot.eqiad.wmflabs/64834
dologmsg 'Toolforge dologmsg test (T222244)' # quoted because () are metacharacters, but the script should support multiple arguments (bare words) too

So I guess (assuming wm-bot’s relay functionality remains functional) we would just need to get that script reviewed and added in Toolforge’s $PATH? (The /etc/wmflabs-project bit is stolen from _become, the shell completion function for the become command.)

@Krenair I’m not sure what exactly you’re concerned about, to be honest – as far as I’m aware, the whole !log system isn’t very locked down at any point…?

(For bonus points, we could include the $SUDO_USER in the message – though that’s not trusted information, of course.)

Change 510750 had a related patch set uploaded (by Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE); owner: Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE)):
[operations/puppet@production] Add script to log to SAL from Toolforge servers

Change 510750 merged by Bstorm:
[operations/puppet@production] Add script to log to SAL from Toolforge servers

LucasWerkmeister claimed this task.

Demo screencast:

I’ll try to make a better/shorter one in time for the showcase (wasted a lot of time mistyping the restart when I should’ve used Ctrl+R), but since this feature is evidently working, I guess we can close this task :)

Change 510999 had a related patch set uploaded (by Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE); owner: Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE)):
[operations/puppet@production] Extract variables from Toolforge dologmsg

Change 511043 had a related patch set uploaded (by Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE); owner: Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE)):
[operations/puppet@production] Add -h/--help option to Toolforge dologmsg command

Change 513759 had a related patch set uploaded (by Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE); owner: Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE)):
[operations/puppet@production] dologmsg: add manpage

Change 511043 merged by Bstorm:
[operations/puppet@production] dologmsg: add -h/--help option

Change 510999 merged by Bstorm:
[operations/puppet@production] dologmsg: extract variables from Toolforge dologmsg

Change 513759 merged by Bstorm:
[operations/puppet@production] dologmsg: add manpage

Change 540188 had a related patch set uploaded (by Bstorm; owner: Bstorm):
[operations/puppet@production] dologmsg: ensure the directory exists before trying to add the man page

Change 540188 merged by Bstorm:
[operations/puppet@production] dologmsg: ensure the directory exists before trying to add the man page