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Add phan to ReadingLists extension
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As wmf deployed extension the ReadingLists extension should run phan on CI to found simple bugs in an earlier state of development.

The extension is using a trait for documentation of the database result wrapper, which makes phan very unhappy
See for a first removable, but a replacement was requested. I have no idea how or what to do.

Event Timeline

Change 514062 had a related patch set uploaded (by Gergő Tisza; owner: Gergő Tisza):
[mediawiki/extensions/ReadingLists@master] Add phan

Change 514062 abandoned by Gergő Tisza:
Add phan

Seems way too much effort, as long as Phan offers no way of specifying the interface / base class of classes using a trait.

Phan doesn't seem usable for code which makes use of traits, where the trait is always applied to classes with a given interface or base class, and makes use of the available methods (the kind of trait that would have a require in Hack). I think the most we can do here is to make sure that the appropriate upstream feature requests exist.

Tgr changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Jun 5 2019, 4:16 PM

Upstream issue for for supporting traits that rely on a base class is #1067.

Change 542752 had a related patch set uploaded (by Umherirrender; owner: Umherirrender):
[integration/config@master] [ReadingLists] Add phan dependency

Change 542753 had a related patch set uploaded (by Umherirrender; owner: Umherirrender):
[mediawiki/extensions/ReadingLists@master] build: Add mediawiki/mediawiki-phan-config

Umherirrender changed the task status from Stalled to Open.Oct 13 2019, 11:15 AM
Umherirrender claimed this task.
Umherirrender triaged this task as Medium priority.
Umherirrender removed a project: Upstream.

Change 542752 merged by jenkins-bot:
[integration/config@master] [ReadingLists] Add phan dependency

Change 543179 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jforrester; owner: Jforrester):
[integration/config@master] layout: [ReadingLists] Enable Phan

Change 543179 merged by jenkins-bot:
[integration/config@master] layout: [ReadingLists] Enable Phan

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-releng) [2019-10-15T17:33:58Z] <James_F> Zuul: Enable Phan for ReadingLists T224762

Change 542753 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/ReadingLists@master] build: Add mediawiki/mediawiki-phan-config