Currently the setting is called "Advanced contributions mode". I think it's worth reconsidering what we call the setting before rolling this out more widely.
"Advanced" is intended to imply features that are beyond the common reading experience, or in other words features that aren't of interest to the common user. "Advanced" is also intended to imply additional, as in additional features will appear in the interface.
"Contribution" is a Wikipedia term (see WP:Contributing to Wikipedia). There is also a commonly used page in the interface called Contributions. The difference (if any) between contributing and editing does not seem to be defined. In our case "contributions" is intended to imply actions that are related to/in support of editing, but are not necessarily editing actions per se. Our interpretation is that contributing is a general term, part of which is editing, but there are other ways to contribute aside from editing.
Potential issues with calling the setting "Advanced contributions mode":
- it is redundant (contributors are inherently advanced, since most people do not contribute)
- for non-contributors the concept of "contributions" might not be as familiar as "editing"
- contributors might think this mode is specifically about the Contributions page (e.g. an enhanced contributions page)
- the line between contributing and editing is blurry, and people may not understand it in the way we intend it
- "Advanced" may imply a hierarchy of users
Possible alternatives
Advanced mode
Pros: familiar concept, broad/flexible, implies additional functionality that are not relevant for most people, Gmail and Google Chrome both have a concept of "advanced features/settings"
Cons: not particularly specific (advanced what?), implies a hierarchy of users
Editor mode
Pros: familiar concept, specific, doesn't imply hierarchy
Cons: might imply changes to the editor itself, possibly too limiting (because some of these features might be useful to readers)
Acceptance criteria
- Change setting name to "advanced mode"