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civilservant banner escapes box
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Dewiki banner’s “Mehr erfahren” link has a huge bottom margin, which causes the banner link hover over not only the article title, but sometimes even the first line of the article, making them unselectable and the eventual links unclickable. A bit less severe problem is that the banner’s close button goes to the far right, which causes a horizontal scrollbar to appear. I use Debian 9 “stretch”, the issue is present both in Firefox (ESR 60.7.1) and Chromium (73.0.3683.75). The below screenshots show the problem with the suspicious DOM elements highlighted.

Mehr erfahrenClose button
CivilServant study close Learn more.png (703×1 px, 148 KB)
CivilServant study close button.png (702×665 px, 60 KB)

Event Timeline

I have no idea which WMDE team is responsible for this, so I've likely added the wrong project tag.

I have no idea which WMDE team is responsible for this, so I've likely added the wrong project tag.

Are you sure CivilServant study is a WMDE project in the first place?

@Maria_Heuschkel or @Christine_Domgoergen_WMDE Do you know who coded the banners?

Thank you for reporting @kai.nissen . Yes I will take a look. This is not WMDE problem. The essence of what happened was that I cloned the WMDE-fundraising-style "at the very top" banner, but at the last moment some central-notice admins on Meta did not want that very bold style, so I converted the CSS to be in the standard banner position. This banner's run ends in 12 hours. So won't push a fix in time, but for the next civilservant banner we will fix. Thanks for your attention everyone and especially @Tacsipacsi for uploading screenshots.