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Create an informative poster about Tech News
Closed, ResolvedPublicJul 26 2019

Assigned To
Authored By
Jun 27 2019, 2:55 PM
Referenced Files
F30284192: TechNewsPosterA3.png
Sep 9 2019, 8:55 PM
F30284191: TechNewsPosterA3.pdf
Sep 9 2019, 8:55 PM
F30016333: TechNewsPoster.pdf
Aug 13 2019, 10:28 AM
F30016331: TechNewsPosterA3.png
Aug 13 2019, 10:28 AM
F30008166: TechNewsPosterA3.png
Aug 12 2019, 10:48 AM
F30008163: TechNewsPoster.pdf
Aug 12 2019, 10:46 AM
F29895876: TechNewsPoster@4x.png
Jul 29 2019, 12:29 AM
F29842408: image.png
Jul 22 2019, 6:50 PM


Let's take the opportunity to advertise Tech News in events:

  • for developers, so that they can know how to inform the communities about future changes and problems
  • for general audience, to know that they can be informed about future changes and problems
  • for translators, to tell them that we still need their help

The idea would be to have an easy-to-print poster (no cuts, not too much background color) to put on walls of every event. This is not a formal poster like for Wikimania. Something ideally catchy, that targets each groups of users, and displays the following information for each:

Main information





The following draft has been created for Prague Hackathon in 2019:

20190518_105944.jpg (1×1 px, 199 KB)


Due Date
Jul 26 2019, 7:00 PM

Event Timeline

Hi Benoît! Thank you for the task!
I think you gave a lot of detail, so I won't ask you to fill out the CommRel-Resign form, but one thing, when is the deadline (soft or hard)? I saw Friday morning UTC and freaked out a little bit before I realized those are details for the poster.

Likely to have more questions on details later (like e.g. size of the poster, preference of color)

The poster is not urgent.

It is not for the formal Poster session at Wikimania. It would be displayed as an information poster at the hackathon preceding to Wikimania (August 14-15).

hdothiduc set Due Date to Jul 22 2019, 7:00 PM.
Restricted Application changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Deadline". · View Herald TranscriptJul 1 2019, 6:17 PM
hdothiduc changed Due Date from Jul 22 2019, 7:00 PM to Jul 26 2019, 7:00 PM.Jul 22 2019, 4:59 PM
hdothiduc moved this task from To-Do to Started on the CommRel-Design board.

Very late comment: Thank you @Quiddity!
Obviously, I missed my own set deadline. I hope to get a first draft latest by Friday.

Question to all who have an opinion: If you had to choose one main color to represent Tech News, what would it be?

Good question! The only main color we have is that purple/lavender color used on Tech News' main page -- rgb(108, 113, 196). But it is not used elsewhere.

@Quiddity and @Johan of you have any idea, please speak-up.

I've got no spontaneous better suggestion.

...and I guess it is not the right moment to say that I don't like that color? :p

If the poster is white with highlights with the color we currently have, I'm fine with it.

Yeah, the lavender (#6C71C4), and maybe also the pale yellow (#eee8d5) banner from the top of individual editions, are the only colors I'd potentially associate with it.

But none of those are used in the delivered newsletter, they're only used in the page where it is written.

Anything from the standard color palettes would be fine.

Now is the perfect time!

I don't like the color, either. I do keep the the poster main black and white.
As for the Style guide, that is more for UI elements and for the brand colors - with the new website and the monochrome logo, I think they become outdated, at least for materials that come from the foundation. For the movement organizers research report for example we use the new colors from the new new website (not documented yet).

How about we update the color for the poster and for the Tech News meta page. What do you think of this?

image.png (1×2 px, 553 KB)

Option 1: one of new WMF colors - probably the bright blue
Option 2: new color

+1 to the brighter purple.
-1 to the bright blue, because Tech/News isn't a purely WMF endeavor so I don't think using those colors would be appropriate.

Re: bright blue - that makes a lot of sense, Nick!

If we go with the brighter purple, it would be easy (and within our power) to change that on Meta, right?

If we go with the brighter purple, it would be easy (and within our power) to change that on Meta, right?

Yup, just needs to be search & replaced in a few spots at these 2 pages:

Yay to the new brighter purple!

Great to hear about the brighter purple! Once the poster is final, I will also go ahead and change that color on the Meta page.
So, here's the first draft!
Let me know what you feel can be improved! I was going for something more catchy,
Also what is a common size this will be printed at? That would determine the size of the paragraph texts.

Looking forward to hear feedback!

TechNewsPoster@4x.png (3×2 px, 367 KB)

WOW! Just looking at the thumbnail, I see an eye-catching poster. :)

I think we should go with an A3 sized poster (compatible with the US equivalent). The goal is not to have something like a formal, academic poster but an information sign displayed at multiple at an hackathon place. Plus A3 is quite common to print.

Some feedback concerning the content:

  • concerning the "Developers" section, maybe the wording "inform communities ASAP" is not the best one. Maybe "add your information ASAP"
  • add a date somewhere: "data as of May 2019"
  • Contact: Johan (WMF) & Trizek (WMF). Maybe add the user: prefix?

Otherwise, it is a great poster! I can imagine some T-shirts with this design. :p

+1 to love it. +1 to printing suggestion.

Minor tweak suggestions:

  • Change "15 Languages" to "15+ Languages" -- (it's gotten 15-20 each week for a while)
  • Change "850 pages" to "830+ pages" -- (it's grown from 785-837 over the last year but we haven't passed 850 yet!)
  • Change "You're making a change?" to "You're making a major change?" -- (or "significant" or "widespread" or similar. We don't announce everything, just the big stuff that affects a lot of people/communities.)
  • Change "Edit next newsletter" to "Edit the next newsletter"
  • Change "Tech News are on your" to "Tech News is sent to your"
  • Change "Contact: Johan (WMF) & Trizek (WMF)." to "Contact: Johan (WMF) & Trizek (WMF) & Quiddity (WMF)" -- (so that it can be reused at any future event!)


Awesome! Thanks for the feedback! Really glad to hear that you like the poster (inspired by brutalist design).
Will make the changes on Monday (CET), is that ok?

Just follow up question: you mean change "ASK" to "CONTACT" and then add "u:Johan (WMF) & u:Trizek (WMF) & u:Quiddity (WMF)"?
I would probably prefer to omit the prefix, but of course it should be clear to most people how they would contact you. Are those usernames consistent in different platforms?

Awesome! Thanks for the feedback! Really glad to hear that you like the poster (inspired by brutalist design).
Will make the changes on Monday (CET), is that ok?

As far as we have it for Wikimania. :)

Just follow up question: you mean change "ASK" to "CONTACT" and then add "u:Johan (WMF) & u:Trizek (WMF) & u:Quiddity (WMF)"?

Yes, it makes more sense. Or we could go with [[m:Talk:Tech/News]] first and usernames as a backup?

I would probably prefer to omit the prefix, but of course it should be clear to most people how they would contact you. Are those usernames consistent in different platforms?

They are.

If the usernames are consistent, then I would like to say:

CONTACT [[m:Talk:Tech/News]]
Johan (WMF) – Trizek (WMF) – Quiddity (WMF)

Sorry, still haven't gotten around to make the changes because of other tasks!
But you will definitely have it before Wikimania - I think later this week.

Heya, here is the new version with the changes in A3 format.
Let me know if you see anything that is not right - if it's a minor change, I can make them immediately.

TechNewsPosterA3.png (2×1 px, 256 KB)

@Johan, requested some minor changes. Here they are :)

TechNewsPosterA3.png (2×1 px, 256 KB)

Thank you. I'll make sure it gets printed.

The poster has been displayed on walls.

Some feedback I've already received:

  • the purple is not that visible when the poster is printed.
  • you don't know if it is a Wikimedia poster. When you pin in on a wall that already has some information (like university signs), you can't be sure about the source of this poster. Maybe add a logo.
  • It works well as an A4 information page left on tables

It would probably have been more visible if we had printed it a proper print shop, and not printed it ourselves with an ordinary office printer that can handle A3.

hdothiduc lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.

Heya, keeping this open to make the changes once I have more time :)
Let me know if you think of other improvements we can make.

Here is the poster with the foundation logo - is that correct?

TechNewsPosterA3.png (1×843 px, 116 KB)

Here is the poster with the foundation logo - is that correct?


Oops, closed it by accident.

If it looks good, I am ok to close the task. Let me know what you think and if there are any next steps.

Let me know what you think and if there are any next steps.

Next steps would be a new task. Until then, we now have a poster that has already been used (and appreciated), and we improved it. That's a lot! :)