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[BUG] Reading Lists Not Syncing — 11 lists synced
Closed, DuplicatePublicBUG REPORT


Steps to reproduce

  1. Open Wikipedia app
  2. Go to synced lists and notice not all of the lists that have been previously created are listed.
  3. at some point, the Wikipedia iOS app becomes unresponsive and fails to open at all anymore.
  4. Delete the app from iPhone and redownload.
  5. Log back into Wikipedia account on iOS app and resync reading lists.

Expected results

All reading lists should have been synced back to the Wikipedia iOS App on my iPhone. 100 lists in total.

Actual results

After re-downloading wikipedia app, logging back in and waiting for reading lists to resync, 11 of the 100 reading lists are showing.


Environments observed

App version: 6.2.3
OS versions: 12.1.1
Device model: iPhone X 10,3
Device language: English

Event Timeline

Restricted Application changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Bug Report". · View Herald TranscriptJul 3 2019, 1:24 PM
Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript
This comment was removed by briancrink.
jcrespo subscribed.

Just to discard any kind of database anomaly, I ran:

$ ./ wikishared reading_list rl_id db1120 db1127 db1137 db1069
Starting comparison between id 1 and 1329863
2019-07-03T15:35:30.859851: row id 990001/1329863, ETA: 00m03s, 0 chunk(s) found different
Execution ended, no differences found.

Discarding data loss due to T226358.

This is caused by T226762: [Bug] GET /data/lists doesn't include "next" in an incomplete response (which unfortunately has been going on for a while before we caught it). The fix should be deployed with this week's train. There's no data loss on the server side; I'd imagine the client needs a full reload of the lists (not just a sync of the delta since the last sync) to recover. Sorry for the trouble.

Oh wait, there's no train this week. I'll SWAT it today, then.

briancrink renamed this task from [BUG] 90% of Reading Lists Not Syncing — Data Loss to [BUG] of Reading Lists Not Syncing — 11 lists synced.Jul 3 2019, 3:53 PM

Oh wait, there's no train this week. I'll SWAT it today, then.

thank you for taking task ownership.

briancrink renamed this task from [BUG] of Reading Lists Not Syncing — 11 lists synced to [BUG] Reading Lists Not Syncing — 11 lists synced.Jul 3 2019, 4:06 PM
briancrink updated the task description. (Show Details)