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QIDs are hard to select on mobile in Wikidata
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When using Chrome on my Pixel 3a, since the new Termbox has launched (which, by the way, is awesome), it is hard or impossible to select the QID on my phone.

Doubletapping on it doesn't do anything, and the best I can do is select some text around it and then remove the text again after copy and pasting, but something's off.

If I'd wager an uninformed guess, I would say that the QID element is somehow masked by some other element.

Event Timeline

If I'd wager an uninformed guess, I would say that the QID element is somehow masked by some other element.

Yeah, it looks like the .page-actions-menu #page-actions (the container of the watch/unwatch button) occupies the whole width of the header, overlaying the heading.

T232356.png (434×424 px, 36 KB)

And termbox includes some styles for that element (in view/resources/wikibase/termbox/main.less), so it might well be caused by that.

Alternative style suggestion:

diff --git a/view/resources/wikibase/termbox/main.less b/view/resources/wikibase/termbox/main.less
index 531ec65b3..450aeb21c 100644
--- a/view/resources/wikibase/termbox/main.less
+++ b/view/resources/wikibase/termbox/main.less
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
         #page-actions {
             position: absolute;
             top: 0;
-            width: 100%;
+            right: 0;
         .pre-content h1 {

But I don’t know if that does the right thing when there’s more than one action, or if there were other reasons to choose width: 100%. Someone should probably spend a bit more time than I have right now to look into this :)

I tried Lucas suggestion, and it solves the reason for the bug. When there are two actions, it still works fine (but their relative positioning of the action icons changes slightly - they squeeze together).

Functionality wise, his suggested fix works.

Here's a screenshot of with and without Lucas Fix:

Without Lucas' Fix:

lucas_fix_without.png (614×988 px, 55 KB)

With Lucas' Fix:

lucas_fix_with.png (636×982 px, 55 KB)