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Upgrade eventlogging to Python 3
Closed, ResolvedPublic13 Estimated Story Points


Eventlogging needs to be ported to Python3.

Launch scripts

Many of the bin scripts rely on reload. There is a python 3 equivalent, but the code is doing something weird and no comment was provided, so let's verify whether we need this workaround at all:

import sys
reload(sys)  # noqa

From it seems that it was done to force utf-8, we can probably skip it.

Mysql deps

In T212396#4968773 it is stated that the current version of eventlogging supports only the mysql module < 1.4.0, meanwhile for python3 we need a more up to date version.


Does it need to be changed?



Is there anything to do with the Docker directory? Possibly move it to stretch/buster?

Python target version

eventlog1002 is currently running Stretch, so 3.5.3. Buster runs 3.7, but I don't think that we should move to it when upgrading to Python 3 since I'd like to keep the rollback strategy as simple as possible.

Event Timeline

fdans moved this task from Incoming to Operational Excellence on the Analytics board.

@Ottomata do you remember why the reload(sys) stuff was done in the first place? I tried to dig a bit into git blame/log but didn't find anything useful.. If you don't remember I'll dig into the code :)

Edit: 2to3 suggests the following, that may work just fine:

-reload(sys)  # noqa
+import importlib
+importlib.reload(sys)  # noqa

No idea why:

It looks like it has something to do with python 2 utf-8, which I'd assume isn't necessary in python 3. I'd try removing the reload stuff altogether first.

No idea why:

It looks like it has something to do with python 2 utf-8, which I'd assume isn't necessary in python 3. I'd try removing the reload stuff altogether first.

I think this is a good guess. Here's a random forum post from 2007, recommending exactly the code added in our 2014 patch:

Change 540871 had a related patch set uploaded (by Elukey; owner: Elukey):
[eventlogging@master] [WIP] Move codebase to Python3

Luca, if you have trouble migrating eventlogging/ stuff, we can probably just remove it. We've removed all eventlogging-service-eventbus instannces in production and in mw vagrant too.

Luca, if you have trouble migrating eventlogging/ stuff, we can probably just remove it. We've removed all eventlogging-service-eventbus instannces in production and in mw vagrant too.

All the tests are failing so if the code can be deleted I am in favor of it! I can send a code review to kill that code if it is ok..

Change 541264 had a related patch set uploaded (by Elukey; owner: Elukey):
[eventlogging@master] Remove the Eventlog service codebase

Change 541264 merged by Elukey:
[eventlogging@master] Remove the Eventlog service codebase

Change 542333 had a related patch set uploaded (by Elukey; owner: Elukey):
[operations/puppet@production] eventlogging::dependencies: add python3 dependencies

Change 542333 merged by Elukey:
[operations/puppet@production] eventlogging::dependencies: add python3 dependencies

Change 542401 had a related patch set uploaded (by Elukey; owner: Elukey):
[operations/puppet@production] eventlogging::dependencies: remove python3-pykafka dependency

Change 542401 merged by Elukey:
[operations/puppet@production] eventlogging::dependencies: remove python3-pykafka dependency

Deployed in beta, no errors from python3 but kafka-python seems not doing its work. All the kafka consumers are stuck, this is the stacktrace of all-events (via py-bt in gdb):

(gdb) py-bt
Traceback (most recent call first):
  <built-in method poll of select.epoll object at remote 0x7f639a9ef9f0>
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 445, in select
    fd_event_list = self._epoll.poll(timeout, max_ev)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/kafka/", line 630, in _poll
    ready =
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/kafka/", line 598, in poll
    self._poll(timeout / 1000)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/kafka/consumer/", line 692, in _poll_once
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/kafka/consumer/", line 645, in poll
    records = self._poll_once(remaining, max_records, update_offsets=update_offsets)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/kafka/consumer/", line 1106, in _message_generator_v2
    record_map = self.poll(timeout_ms=timeout_ms, update_offsets=False)
  <built-in method next of module object at remote 0x7f639fadd5e8>
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/kafka/consumer/", line 1189, in next_v2
    return next(self._iterator)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/kafka/consumer/", line 1181, in __next__
    return self.next_v2()
  File "/srv/deployment/eventlogging/analytics/eventlogging/", line 884, in <genexpr>
    return stream((message.value for message in kafka_consumer), raw)
  File "/srv/deployment/eventlogging/analytics/eventlogging/", line 94, in <genexpr>
    return (line.decode('utf-8', 'replace') for line in stream)
  File "/srv/deployment/eventlogging/analytics/eventlogging/", line 101, in <genexpr>
    return (json.loads(dgram) for dgram in iter_unicode(stream))
  File "/srv/deployment/eventlogging/analytics/eventlogging/", line 108, in <genexpr>
    return (Event(d) for d in iter_json(stream))
  File "/srv/deployment/eventlogging/analytics/eventlogging/", line 140, in drive
    for event in reader:
  File "/srv/deployment/eventlogging/analytics/bin/eventlogging-consumer", line 61, in <module>, args.output)

Tried to switch the kafka consumer to the confluent one, but ended up in a similar situation:

Waiting for the GIL
<built-in method poll of cimpl.Consumer object at remote 0x7f97b7472a68>
File "/srv/deployment/eventlogging/analytics/eventlogging/", line 995, in consume
  message = consumer.poll(timeout=timeout)
File "/srv/deployment/eventlogging/analytics/eventlogging/", line 94, in <genexpr>
  return (line.decode('utf-8', 'replace') for line in stream)
File "/srv/deployment/eventlogging/analytics/eventlogging/", line 101, in <genexpr>
  return (json.loads(dgram) for dgram in iter_unicode(stream))
File "/srv/deployment/eventlogging/analytics/eventlogging/", line 108, in <genexpr>
  return (Event(d) for d in iter_json(stream))
File "/srv/deployment/eventlogging/analytics/eventlogging/", line 141, in drive
  for event in reader:
File "/srv/deployment/eventlogging/analytics/bin/eventlogging-consumer", line 61, in <module>, args.output)

PEBCAK of the day: I picked the wrong consumer, since this pulls events from valid mixed, that does't get populated if the processors are not working.. So what are the processors doing?

Oct 11 14:36:28 deployment-eventlog05 eventlogging-processor@client-side-01[31316]: 2019-10-11 14:36:28,422 [31316] (MainThread) root [WARNING] Force a flush of the produce buffer before leaving the kafka-confluent writer.
Oct 11 14:36:28 deployment-eventlog05 eventlogging-processor@client-side-01[31316]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Oct 11 14:36:28 deployment-eventlog05 eventlogging-processor@client-side-01[31316]:   File "/srv/deployment/eventlogging/analytics/bin/eventlogging-processor", line 157, in <module>
Oct 11 14:36:28 deployment-eventlog05 eventlogging-processor@client-side-01[31316]:     w.send(event)
Oct 11 14:36:28 deployment-eventlog05 eventlogging-processor@client-side-01[31316]:   File "/srv/deployment/eventlogging/analytics/eventlogging/", line 463, in kafka_confluent_writer
Oct 11 14:36:28 deployment-eventlog05 eventlogging-processor@client-side-01[31316]:     message_topic, message_value, message_key)
Oct 11 14:36:28 deployment-eventlog05 eventlogging-processor@client-side-01[31316]: TypeError: argument 1 must be str, not bytes

Fixed some little issues here and there and updated the code review. Re-deployed in beta, the service seems now working fine!

Change 540871 merged by Elukey:
[eventlogging@master] Move codebase to Python3

Tried to deploy in prod, but had to rollback due to the following exception logged in the processors (causing them to fail and rebalance etc..):

Oct 17 10:22:39 eventlog1002 eventlogging-processor@client-side-01[18540]: 2019-10-17 10:22:39,049 [18540] (MainThread) root [ERROR] Unable to create EventError object: b'{"dt": "2019-10-17T10:17:57Z", "event": {"deepcategory": false, "filetype": false, "hastemplate": false, "inlanguage": false, "intitle": false, "not": false, "or": false, "phrase": false, "plain": false, "sort": false, "subpageof": false}, "ip": "XX.XX.XX.XX", "recvFrom": "cp3041.esams.wmnet", "revision": 18227136, "schema": "AdvancedSearchRequest", "seqId": 286400128, "userAgent": {"browser_family": "Chrome", "browser_major": "77", "browser_minor": "0", "device_family": "Other", "is_bot": false, "is_mediawiki": false, "os_family": "Windows", "os_major": "10", "os_minor": null, "wmf_app_version": "-"}, "uuid": "XXXXXXXX", "webHost": "", "wiki": "eswiki"}' is not JSON serializable
Oct 17 10:22:39 eventlog1002 eventlogging-processor@client-side-01[18540]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Oct 17 10:22:39 eventlog1002 eventlogging-processor@client-side-01[18540]:   File "/srv/deployment/eventlogging/analytics/bin/eventlogging-processor", line 157, in <module>
Oct 17 10:22:39 eventlog1002 eventlogging-processor@client-side-01[18540]:     w.send(event)
Oct 17 10:22:39 eventlog1002 eventlogging-processor@client-side-01[18540]: StopIteration

Change 543832 had a related patch set uploaded (by Elukey; owner: Elukey):
[eventlogging@master] avoid to encode() a kafka messag

Quick test:

elukey@eventlog1002:~$ python3
Python 3.5.3 (default, Sep 27 2018, 17:25:39)
[GCC 6.3.0 20170516] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import json
>>> a = '{"dt": "2019-10-17T10:17:57Z", "event": {"deepcategory": false, "filetype": false, "hastemplate": false, "inlanguage": false, "intitle": false, "not": false, "or": false, "phrase": false, "plain": false, "sort": false, "subpageof": false}, "ip": "XX.XX.XX.XX", "recvFrom": "cp3041.esams.wmnet", "revision": 18227136, "schema": "AdvancedSearchRequest", "seqId": 286400128, "userAgent": {"browser_family": "Chrome", "browser_major": "77", "browser_minor": "0", "device_family": "Other", "is_bot": false, "is_mediawiki": false, "os_family": "Windows", "os_major": "10", "os_minor": null, "wmf_app_version": "-"}, "uuid": "XXXXXXXX", "webHost": "", "wiki": "eswiki"}'
>>> json.dumps(a)
'"{\\"dt\\": \\"2019-10-17T10:17:57Z\\", \\"event\\": {\\"deepcategory\\": false, \\"filetype\\": false, \\"hastemplate\\": false, \\"inlanguage\\": false, \\"intitle\\": false, \\"not\\": false, \\"or\\": false, \\"phrase\\": false, \\"plain\\": false, \\"sort\\": false, \\"subpageof\\": false}, \\"ip\\": \\"XX.XX.XX.XX\\", \\"recvFrom\\": \\"cp3041.esams.wmnet\\", \\"revision\\": 18227136, \\"schema\\": \\"AdvancedSearchRequest\\", \\"seqId\\": 286400128, \\"userAgent\\": {\\"browser_family\\": \\"Chrome\\", \\"browser_major\\": \\"77\\", \\"browser_minor\\": \\"0\\", \\"device_family\\": \\"Other\\", \\"is_bot\\": false, \\"is_mediawiki\\": false, \\"os_family\\": \\"Windows\\", \\"os_major\\": \\"10\\", \\"os_minor\\": null, \\"wmf_app_version\\": \\"-\\"}, \\"uuid\\": \\"XXXXXXXX\\", \\"webHost\\": \\"\\", \\"wiki\\": \\"eswiki\\"}"'

>>> a = b'{"dt": "2019-10-17T10:17:57Z", "event": {"deepcategory": false, "filetype": false, "hastemplate": false, "inlanguage": false, "intitle": false, "not": false, "or": false, "phrase": false, "plain": false, "sort": false, "subpageof": false}, "ip": "XX.XX.XX.XX", "recvFrom": "cp3041.esams.wmnet", "revision": 18227136, "schema": "AdvancedSearchRequest", "seqId": 286400128, "userAgent": {"browser_family": "Chrome", "browser_major": "77", "browser_minor": "0", "device_family": "Other", "is_bot": false, "is_mediawiki": false, "os_family": "Windows", "os_major": "10", "os_minor": null, "wmf_app_version": "-"}, "uuid": "XXXXXXXX", "webHost": "", "wiki": "eswiki"}'
>>> json.dumps(a)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/json/", line 230, in dumps
    return _default_encoder.encode(obj)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/json/", line 198, in encode
    chunks = self.iterencode(o, _one_shot=True)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/json/", line 256, in iterencode
    return _iterencode(o, 0)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/json/", line 179, in default
    raise TypeError(repr(o) + " is not JSON serializable")
TypeError: b'{"dt": "2019-10-17T10:17:57Z", "event": {"deepcategory": false, "filetype": false, "hastemplate": false, "inlanguage": false, "intitle": false, "not": false, "or": false, "phrase": false, "plain": false, "sort": false, "subpageof": false}, "ip": "XX.XX.XX.XX", "recvFrom": "cp3041.esams.wmnet", "revision": 18227136, "schema": "AdvancedSearchRequest", "seqId": 286400128, "userAgent": {"browser_family": "Chrome", "browser_major": "77", "browser_minor": "0", "device_family": "Other", "is_bot": false, "is_mediawiki": false, "os_family": "Windows", "os_major": "10", "os_minor": null, "wmf_app_version": "-"}, "uuid": "XXXXXXXX", "webHost": "", "wiki": "eswiki"}' is not JSON serializable

Change 543832 abandoned by Elukey: avoid to encode() a kafka messag

Change 543838 had a related patch set uploaded (by Elukey; owner: Elukey):
[eventlogging@master] eventlogging-processor: avoid to encode() an event when validation fails

Change 543838 abandoned by Elukey:
eventlogging-processor: avoid to encode() an event when validation fails

Tried to deploy in prod, but had to rollback due to the following exception logged in the processors (causing them to fail and rebalance etc..):

Oct 17 10:22:39 eventlog1002 eventlogging-processor@client-side-01[18540]: 2019-10-17 10:22:39,049 [18540] (MainThread) root [ERROR] Unable to create EventError object: b'{"dt": "2019-10-17T10:17:57Z", "event": {"deepcategory": false, "filetype": false, "hastemplate": false, "inlanguage": false, "intitle": false, "not": false, "or": false, "phrase": false, "plain": false, "sort": false, "subpageof": false}, "ip": "XX.XX.XX.XX", "recvFrom": "cp3041.esams.wmnet", "revision": 18227136, "schema": "AdvancedSearchRequest", "seqId": 286400128, "userAgent": {"browser_family": "Chrome", "browser_major": "77", "browser_minor": "0", "device_family": "Other", "is_bot": false, "is_mediawiki": false, "os_family": "Windows", "os_major": "10", "os_minor": null, "wmf_app_version": "-"}, "uuid": "XXXXXXXX", "webHost": "", "wiki": "eswiki"}' is not JSON serializable
Oct 17 10:22:39 eventlog1002 eventlogging-processor@client-side-01[18540]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Oct 17 10:22:39 eventlog1002 eventlogging-processor@client-side-01[18540]:   File "/srv/deployment/eventlogging/analytics/bin/eventlogging-processor", line 157, in <module>
Oct 17 10:22:39 eventlog1002 eventlogging-processor@client-side-01[18540]:     w.send(event)
Oct 17 10:22:39 eventlog1002 eventlogging-processor@client-side-01[18540]: StopIteration

The interesting bit that comes before is

Oct 17 10:18:30 eventlog1002 eventlogging-processor@client-side-01[12541]: 2019-10-17 10:18:30,088 [12541] (MainThread) root [ERROR] Unable to validate: <Event ec577f7ca5ad5daa96cdcca23f5a6119 of schema ('AdvancedSearchRequest
', 18227136)> (Additional properties are not allowed ('sort' was unexpected))
Oct 17 10:18:30 eventlog1002 eventlogging-processor@client-side-01[12541]: 2019-10-17 10:18:30,089 [12541] (MainThread) root [WARNING] Force a flush of the produce buffer before leaving the kafka-confluent writer.

So If I am not mistaken, the call trace is:

eventlogging-processor -> for raw_event in get_reader(args.input): -> ValidationError -> write_event_error

The interesting bit in the ValidationError code path could be:

# If we successfully parsed the event, we have an Event object.
# Send it as a serialized JSON string in the EventError's raw_event.
event_string = event
if isinstance(event_string, Event):
    event_string = event.serialize()

serialize() does json.dumps and then encode():

def serialize(self):
    """Serializes this event as utf-8 JSON."""
    return json.dumps(self, sort_keys=True).encode('utf-8')

But the kafka confluent produce code does the same:

message_value = event.encode('utf-8') if raw else \
    json.dumps(event, sort_keys=True).encode('utf-8')

This could explain the problem. I am still trying to figure out why this doesn't show up in deployment-prep.

Change 543851 had a related patch set uploaded (by Elukey; owner: Elukey):
[eventlogging@master] eventlogging-processor: use e.args[0] instead of str(e)

Change 543851 merged by Elukey:
[eventlogging@master] eventlogging-processor: use e.args[0] instead of str(e)

@Ottomata this is surely unrelated, but should we upgrade librdkafka on eventlog1002?

elukey@eventlog1002:~$ apt-cache policy librdkafka1
  Installed: 0.11.5-1~bpo9+1
  Candidate: 0.11.6-1~bpo9+1+wikimedia1
  Version table:
     0.11.6-1~bpo9+1+wikimedia1 1001
       1001 stretch-wikimedia/main amd64 Packages
     0.11.6-1~bpo9+1 1001
        100 stretch-backports/main amd64 Packages
 *** 0.11.5-1~bpo9+1 100
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
     0.9.3-1 500
        500 stretch/main amd64 Packages

I am not sure whether we solved the decoding issue but * i think* we just need json.dumps(str(a,'utf-8')) in python3?

serialize() does json.dumps and then encode():
But the kafka confluent produce code does the same:

Those are actually two different things! Likely yes, the Kafka code should just call event.serialize instead of doing json.dumps .. itself. However, event_string = event.serialize() is wrapping the original event inside of an EventError event, as a json string. So, there shouldn't be any double encoding going on here.

I am not sure whether we solved the decoding issue but * i think* we just need json.dumps(str(a,'utf-8')) in python3?

This may lead to errors:

EDIT: Nuria's point made me realize that I got my json serialize tests wrong, since json.dumps() needs to get a dictionary (like Event) rather than a string. I'll redo my tests in light of this :)

>>> import json
>>> a = {'test': b'test1'}

>>> json.dumps(a).encode()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/json/", line 230, in dumps
    return _default_encoder.encode(obj)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/json/", line 198, in encode
    chunks = self.iterencode(o, _one_shot=True)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/json/", line 256, in iterencode
    return _iterencode(o, 0)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/json/", line 179, in default
    raise TypeError(repr(o) + " is not JSON serializable")
TypeError: b'test1' is not JSON serializable

>>> json.dumps(str(a)).encode()
b'"{\'test\': b\'test1\'}"'

Let's restart from the original exception:

Oct 17 10:18:09 eventlog1002 eventlogging-processor@client-side-01[11799]: 2019-10-17 10:18:09,154 [11799] (MainThread) root [ERROR] Unable to validate: <Event 95d07a84156554c18f015c538118adea of schema ('AdvancedSearchRequest', 18227136)> (Additional properties are not allowed ('sort' was unexpected))

Oct 17 10:18:09 eventlog1002 eventlogging-processor@client-side-01[11799]: 2019-10-17 10:18:09,155 [11799] (MainThread) root [WARNING] Force a flush of the produce buffer before leaving the kafka-confluent writer.

Oct 17 10:18:09 eventlog1002 eventlogging-processor@client-side-01[11799]: 2019-10-17 10:18:09,155 [11799] (MainThread) root [ERROR] Unable to create EventError object: 
  "dt": "2019-10-17T10:17:55Z", 
  "event": {"deepcategory": false, "filetype": false, "hastemplate": false, "inlanguage": false, "intitle": false, "not": false, "or": false, "phrase": false, "plain": false, "sort": false, "subpageof": false}, 
  "ip": "", 
  "recvFrom": "cp3042.esams.wmnet", 
  "revision": 18227136, 
  "schema": "AdvancedSearchRequest", 
  "seqId": 279579402, 
  "userAgent": {"browser_family": "Chrome", "browser_major": "77", "browser_minor": "0", "device_family": "Other", "is_bot": false, "is_mediawiki": false, "os_family": "Windows", "os_major": "10", "os_minor": null, "wmf_app_version": "-"}, 
  "uuid": "XXXXXXX", 
  "webHost": "",
  "wiki": "itwiki"}' 
  is not JSON serializable

The above bytes string is very different from the EvenError format:

return Event({
    'schema': ERROR_SCID[0],
    'revision': ERROR_SCID[1],
    'wiki': '',
    'uuid': '%032x' % uuid.uuid1().int,
    'recvFrom': socket.getfqdn(),
    'timestamp': int(round(time.time())),
    'event': {
        'rawEvent': raw_event,
        'message': error_message,
        'code': error_code,
        'schema': errored_schema,
        'revision': errored_revision

So a possible theory is that rawEvent in the EventError object sent to kafka-confluent-writer contains a byte string (like indicated in the exception), and the json.dumps().encode() fails when trying to serialize it.

But this is in theory what it is meant to happen:

except ValidationError as e:
    logging.error('Unable to validate: %s (%s)', event, e.args[0])
    # If we successfully parsed the event, we have an Event object.
    # Send it as a serialized JSON string in the EventError's raw_event.
    event_string = event
    if isinstance(event_string, Event):
        event_string = event.serialize()

Change 544144 had a related patch set uploaded (by Elukey; owner: Elukey):
[eventlogging@master] avoid encoding a json string is my best guess about the problem in production, assuming that deployment-prep is currently not very representative of what traffic flows in prod. I deployed the patch to deployment-prep and eventlogging seems working fine.

Sounds good. Q: Do we even need the .encode('utf-8') in the kafka handler? Perhaps that is now unnecessary in Python 3?

Perhaps we should remove all .encode('utf-8') calls? Not sure.

Sounds good. Q: Do we even need the .encode('utf-8') in the kafka handler? Perhaps that is now unnecessary in Python 3?

I thought about it as well, but from it seems that produce() requires a bytes string, so the encode() should be right. The other occurrences that I found were related to sending stuff to the network, so in theory they should be ok as well.

Left comments on patch

Given the

if isinstance(event_string, Event):

The Event is a dictionary (always, otherwise we do not serialize) but it might contain a key that is itself a byte string right?

Left comments on patch

Given the

if isinstance(event_string, Event):

The Event is a dictionary (always, otherwise we do not serialize) but it might contain a key that is itself a byte string right?

I didn't find any explicit encoding to a bytes string in the code, in theory it shouldn't happen. If this was happening then we'd get a stream of errors even when the event is properly validated (since it would trigger a double encoding in the kafka confluent writer) but in prod we saw issues only with EventErrors..

Change 544144 merged by Elukey:
[eventlogging@master] avoid encoding a json string

Deployment done, this time I don't see any error reported in logs or metrics!

Next steps:

  1. Check for a couple of days that the system is stable
  2. clean up python2 packages from puppet and the hosts that use it.

Change 546830 had a related patch set uploaded (by Elukey; owner: Elukey):
[operations/puppet@production] eventlogging::dependencies: absent python2 dependencies

Change 546830 merged by Elukey:
[operations/puppet@production] eventlogging::dependencies: absent python2 dependencies

Change 546837 had a related patch set uploaded (by Elukey; owner: Elukey):
[operations/puppet@production] eventlogging::dependencies: remove py2 dependencies

Change 546837 merged by Elukey:
[operations/puppet@production] eventlogging::dependencies: remove py2 dependencies

elukey set the point value for this task to 13.Oct 29 2019, 8:37 AM
elukey moved this task from In Progress to Done on the Analytics-Kanban board.