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Use OAuth 2.0 With Client Developer's Authorization
Open, Needs TriagePublic


"As a Developer, I want to use a bearer token for the REST API that represents my organization, to identify requests made on behalf of my company."

This was originally about using client ID's for authorization. Per our discussions, we'd instead like to use a long-lived access token representing the client ID owner.

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I'm not sure I understand this. As I said at T234677#5655125, the spec says the client ID should not be used for authorization.

eprodromou renamed this task from Use OAuth 2.0 Client ID for Authorization to Use OAuth 2.0 With Client Developer's Authorization.Nov 20 2019, 5:57 PM
eprodromou updated the task description. (Show Details)

I'm not sure I understand this. As I said at T234677#5655125, the spec says the client ID should not be used for authorization.

Updated to be about an owner-authorized access token.

Aklapper added a subscriber: EvanProdromou.

Adding missing MediaWiki-REST-API code project tag as Core Platform Team Initiatives (MW REST API in PHP) team tag is archived and its parent Platform Engineering team does not exist anymore