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Cannot access replica databases
Closed, ResolvedPublic


After SSH'ing into as user dwalden, after doing:

  • sql enwiki, or
  • mysql --defaults-file=$HOME/ -h enwiki_p

I get the error:
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'u20968'@'xxxxx' (using password: YES)

I believe my is correct and symlinked as my.cnf.

This has worked for me in the past.

Event Timeline

Technically the replicas are called enwiki_p, dewiki_p, etc. Try that and see if that fixes anything.

Also I think you have to do it as a tool, not as yourself

From what I can tell reading the task description it was done correctly - _p used for the database name.
As for users vs. tools, my user can do this just fine last time I checked. Maybe newer users can't and we're just grandfathered in?

JHedden claimed this task.
JHedden subscribed.

@dom_walden I verified that your account is now working again, please let us know if you're still unable to connect to the replica databases.

We added a new server to the pool and there were some accounts that didn't get processed fully T235697.

@dom_walden I verified that your account is now working again, please let us know if you're still unable to connect to the replica databases.

Thanks! I can now access.