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Newcomer tasks - the text on tooltip on task explanation is scrollable
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  1. On mobile go to Homepage-Suggested edits
  2. Click on the info icon (task explanations).
  3. When the callout will be open, scroll the text - the text will be scroll out form the view.

(click on an animated gif below)

hover_empty3.gif (771×459 px, 262 KB)

Event Timeline

@Etonkovidova -- on mobile, the tooltip is not supposed to be a popup like on desktop, and as shown in your gif. It is supposed to be a toast from the bottom of the screen as shown in this mockup and below.

image.png (763×389 px, 122 KB)

If that's not what you're seeing on mobile, please change this task accordingly.

Etonkovidova renamed this task from Newcomer tasks - the text out on tooltip on task explanation is scrollable to Newcomer tasks - the text on tooltip on task explanation is scrollable.Nov 9 2019, 2:06 AM