The wikimedia/security/tooling repository needs some reconfiguration.
- Create separate repos for significant tools outside of the tooling directory, e.g. wikimedia/security/{toolname}. Currently, this should include:
- deployer-audit [ new repo ]
- gitmonitor [ new repo ]
- php-security-tools [ new repo ]
- spamaccountstats [ new repo ]
- usertracker [ new repo ]
- New repos should preserve git history
- New repos should include basic CI (tox.ini), README updates and LICENSE files (c623065, c623066, c623417, c623419, c623420)
- Configure zuul/layout.yaml for minimal CI for these repositories (c623425)
- Update wikimedia/security/tooling README to better described how tool repositories should be organized, created and maintained. (c623059)
Create a helpful README for the wikimedia/security repo which provides locations for current, relevant security tools.(merged this into tooling repo README above) - Archive and delete? blank? the wikimedia/security/automated-scanning repository (T247468).
- Add a new section to the Security-Team handbook which notes all of the above, upon completion. (edit)