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Delete gerrit repository wikimedia/security/automated-scanning
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hello Releng-

Would it be possible to delete this repository/project from gerrit? This is the config for some old automated scanning run by former members of the Security-Team. It has not been used in a long time with the last commit being 4+ years ago. The Security-Team has a backup of the repository and would prefer it be deleted to avoid confusion, etc. as part of the work in T246392. Thanks.

Event Timeline

Yes this can be deleted, though i rather we waited to do that till we upgrade to 2.16. Only because there's a bug which causes spam (fixed with

Don't we normally empty the repo and put a OBSOLETE or ARCHIVE file compared to deleting in these situations

Yes. I do not understand why to completely "delete" open source code.

Yes this can be deleted, though i rather we waited to do that till we upgrade to 2.16. Only because there's a bug which causes spam (fixed with

That is mostly harmless. As far as I know, it just causes some spam in the Gerrit logs :]

+ Projects-Cleanup which we use to archive repositories

@sbassett we usually simply archive the git repositories. Usually done roughly as:

  • emptying the repo and just leaving README file that would point to this task
  • mark the repository inactive in Gerrit to prevent further changes.
  • delete the github mirror

This way the code is archived in Gerrit. Saving your team from having to maintain a backup :]

hashar triaged this task as Medium priority.Mar 12 2020, 10:05 AM
hashar removed a project: Gerrit.

Dropping Gerrit , those tasks are handled via Projects-Cleanup

Change 579375 had a related patch set uploaded (by SBassett; owner: SBassett):
[wikimedia/security/automated-scanning@master] Obsoleting automated-scanning project

Change 579375 merged by SBassett:
[wikimedia/security/automated-scanning@master] Obsoleting automated-scanning project

Change 579377 had a related patch set uploaded (by SBassett; owner: SBassett):
[wikimedia/security/automated-scanning@master] Adding README for now-obsolete automated-scanning project

Change 579377 merged by SBassett:
[wikimedia/security/automated-scanning@master] Adding README for now-obsolete automated-scanning project

  • emptying the repo and just leaving README file that would point to this task
  • mark the repository inactive in Gerrit to prevent further changes.
  • delete the github mirror

Thanks for the info. The first item is completed and I've set the repo to read-only via the gerrit UI. Is that different from making it "inactive"? I guess I can also ping @Reedy to remove the github mirror.

This way the code is archived in Gerrit. Saving your team from having to maintain a backup :]

Great, thanks!