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Europeana agent/base links Wikimedia disambiguation pages and needs to be fixed in Europeana
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This is wrong and should be changed in Europeana. A Wikipedia disambiguation page should not be the target for an Europeana agent

See also Constraint_violations/P7704#Types_statistics

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Event Timeline

Reported this to the Europeana project as a page comment. No helpdesk task id received....

Salgo60 removed subscribers: Scott_WUaS, VisbyStar.

@VladimirAlexiev I agree we need to communicate this to the Europeana project maybe using this Phabricator is the best.... my understanding is that they soon has a fix how to create new entities T243907: Understand how new Europeana Entity Agents can be created

Tweeted Europeana that they should have on the agenda better ways to corporate

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Salgo60 changed the task status from Open to Stalled.May 19 2020, 10:48 AM
Salgo60 moved this task from Backlog to Blocked on the Magnus Sälgö board.

no feedback Europeana --> stalled

Salgo60 removed Salgo60 as the assignee of this task.
Salgo60 unsubscribed.