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CI jobs for WMF deployed extensions should use vendor.git , not composer
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I have found out a few extensions that are apparently deployed to Wikimedia but have their CI jobs relying on composer to install dependencies. They should be switched to use mediawiki/vendor instead.

There are:

  • TemplateStyles
  • MachineVision
  • PropertySuggester
  • WikibaseQualityConstraints
  • WikibaseJavaScriptApi
  • WikibaseQuality
  • WikibaseQualityExternalValidation

They are configured in integration/config with the composer variant of the job, and there is even a FIXME for them. Example:

- name: mediawiki/extensions/MachineVision
    # FIXME: Document why this is using the composer variant.
    - name: extension-quibble-composer

That should be extension-quibble-vendor, or due to T232759:

- extension-quibble-noselenium
- extension-quibble-only-selenium

Event Timeline

Change 587806 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jforrester; owner: Jforrester):
[integration/config@master] layout: Move last production extensions to use vendor

Change 587806 merged by jenkins-bot:
[integration/config@master] layout: Move last production extensions to use vendor