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Watchlist Expiry: Display "7 days" after selection of "1 week" temporary watch [small]
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As a Watchlist Expiry user, I want to see 7 days in the drop-down after I have selected to watch a page for a week, so that I am not confused by the difference between 6 vs. 7 days in a week-long selection.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • If the user has selected "one week" for a watch period, they should see "7 days left" in the drop-down & tooltip

Event Timeline

ifried renamed this task from Watchlist Expiry: Add to Watchlist Expiry: Add "+" sign to 6 days for watch period.May 28 2020, 10:57 PM
ifried updated the task description. (Show Details)
ifried renamed this task from Watchlist Expiry: Add "+" sign to 6 days for watch period to Watchlist Expiry: Display "7 days" after "1 week" selected in drop-down.May 28 2020, 11:47 PM
ifried updated the task description. (Show Details)
ifried renamed this task from Watchlist Expiry: Display "7 days" after "1 week" selected in drop-down to Watchlist Expiry: Display "7 days" after "1 week" selected in drop-down/tooltip.May 28 2020, 11:50 PM
ifried renamed this task from Watchlist Expiry: Display "7 days" after "1 week" selected in drop-down/tooltip to Watchlist Expiry: Display "7 days" after "1 week" after temporary watch.
ifried renamed this task from Watchlist Expiry: Display "7 days" after "1 week" after temporary watch to Watchlist Expiry: Display "7 days" after selection of "1 week" temporary watch.
ARamirez_WMF renamed this task from Watchlist Expiry: Display "7 days" after selection of "1 week" temporary watch to Watchlist Expiry: Display "7 days" after selection of "1 week" temporary watch [small].May 29 2020, 12:02 AM
ARamirez_WMF moved this task from Needs Discussion to Up Next (June 3-21) on the Community-Tech board.

Is this the one we talked about and said we'd change to rounding system when we display "days left"?

I think we said that we'd round to the nearest whole number of days (e.g. 2 days 15 hours would be rounded to 3 days). Is that correct? Or do we only want to do this for 6/7 days? If there's less than 12 hours to go should it say "1 day"?

@Samwilson Yes, this is the one! We want round up, so after a user watches a page for "one week," they see "7 days" rather than "6 days." Quick question, now that I think about it -- is there a reason why it was proposed to round up for 12 hours? Wouldn't it make more sense to round up for just under 24 hours?

Also, great question about if it should apply to only 6/7. While the priority is to fix the 6/7 issue, we can also have a general rule for anything under 1 week. If someone is watching a page for 48 more hours, I think it makes sense if it says "2 days left." If someone is watching a page for 50 hours, I think it can say "3 days left" (since it's technically more than 2 days). If less than 12 hours are left, it may be misleading to say "1 day left," since one can easily assume that they have around 24 (or at least 12!) hours left. However, the other alternative is to display "XX hours left" (which could be even more misleading, since we can't actually give the correct number of hours) or "0 days left," which could look weird/confusing ("Why am I still watching the page if i have 0 days left?"). This could go in a few directions, so I'm pinging @Prtksxna for his input. Thanks in advance :)

@Prtksxna and I discussed this:

  • We both agree that general day periods should be expressed in 24 hours periods, generally. So, for example, if I watch a page for 1 week, I should see "7 days" for about 24 hours.
  • If the page is being watched for less than 1 days, we both agree that i should not say "0 days" or "XX hours." Instead, it can say "Less than 1 day left" or "A few hours left." Ilana prefers "A few hours left," but we can discuss this as a team.

Change 604198 had a related patch set uploaded (by Scardenasmolinar; owner: Scardenasmolinar):
[mediawiki/core@master] Add getExpiryInDays function in WatchedItem

Change 604198 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/core@master] Add getExpiryInDays function in WatchedItem

dom_walden subscribed.

We appear to be rounding up the number of days left until expiry.

For example:

1 day 1 minute"2 days left"
1 day exactly"1 day left"
59 hours 59 minutes"0 days left"

I assume the "0 days left" will be changed in T255632.

Tested on MediaWiki 1.35.0-alpha (6c57976) 2020-06-22T06:41:20.

For regression purposes, on my local environment, I disabled watchlist expiry and retested action=watch. It worked fine and there were no errors in the logs.

ifried moved this task from Product sign-off to Done on the Community-Tech (Kanban-2019-20-Q4) board.

Yup, we'll change "0 days left" in T255632.

I have tested the functionality in this ticket and it looks good (see screenshot of "7 days left" after watching for one week below). For this reason, I'm marking it as Done.

Screen Shot 2020-06-22 at 11.20.50 AM.png (396×1 px, 40 KB)