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Fix OAuth Alias' Chinese Translation
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Following community request, update OAuth Alias' Chinese Translation to version for consistency.

Event Timeline

Change 606767 had a related patch set uploaded (by VulpesVulpes825; owner: Junyin Chen):
[mediawiki/extensions/OAuth@master] Fix OAuth Alias' Chinese Translation

Change 606767 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/OAuth@master] Fix Chinese translation of OAuth special page names

toorich subscribed.

I reviewed English Wikipedia, I think it's a naming error but not a translation error (English Wikipedia named "Special:OAuthListConsumers") .

toorich raised the priority of this task from Low to Needs Triage.Jun 22 2020, 2:29 PM

I reviewed English Wikipedia, I think it's a naming error but not a translation error (English Wikipedia named "Special:OAuthListConsumers") .

You think what is?

@toorich, if you think so, please open a new ticket as the concern you raised, which I believe should be the English name of Special:OAuthListConsumers is wrong, is off topic.

I reviewed English Wikipedia, I think it's a naming error but not a translation error (English Wikipedia named "Special:OAuthListConsumers") .

You think what is?

I think the correct name is "Special:OAuthListApplications" or simplified to "Special:OAuthListApps".

I think the correct name is "Special:OAuthListApplications" or simplified to "Special:OAuthListApps".

See T253568: Make the terminology of OAuth UI and documentation easy to understand.