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Get rid of "Export to Excel"
Closed, ResolvedPublic

Description has an "export to excel" button, I just noticed with horror. We're not going to advertise proprietary software in our issue tracker main page.

Possible solutions says ods is supported but then it's not in , so it appears to be only for reading; still, it supports export to CSV. Therefore, just call the button "Export to spreadsheet" (or "Export to CSV" if mentioning a specific technology is preferred).

This is IMHO an upstream enhancement request; but last time they told us we can also customise messages locally, I leave the decision to the admins (if and when we install that component; CSV export is useful so *something* needs to be available, can't tell specifics).

Upstream ticket:

Event Timeline

flimport raised the priority of this task from to Low.Sep 12 2014, 1:40 AM
flimport set Reference to fl421.

qgil wrote on 2014-06-17 19:58:46 (UTC)

In the worst case scenario we can edit the string locally via the admin interface so it reads "Export to CSV".

aklapper wrote on 2014-06-18 00:35:57 (UTC)

Installing PHPExcel on the server is already covered by T243, hence I'm going to rephrase the task summary to cover the aspect of explicitly mentioning Excel. Prefering "Export to CSV" as that's the data format (spreadsheets can be saved in many ways).

aklapper wrote on 2014-06-18 00:38:58 (UTC)

...and I don't consider this blocking Day 1. We will all feel bad bad bad when seeing "Excel" mentioned, but hell won't freeze over, it will just get slightly colder.

aklapper wrote on 2014-08-19 14:27:08 (UTC)

Upstreamed, but proposed "Export to Spreadsheet" as by default this functionality offers "Excel2007" format.

aklapper wrote on 2014-08-19 16:56:01 (UTC)

WONTFIXed in upstream with a reasonible explanation:

Nemo_bis reopened this task as Open.EditedNov 20 2014, 6:07 PM
Nemo_bis subscribed.

I still see "Export to Excel", and it still gives error.
If the format is .xls, it must also be disabled forever.

valhallasw set Security to None.
valhallasw subscribed.

That's T152, not this bug.

I'm 99% certain the format is .xlsx, which is OK (although .ods would have been nicer).

The naming can be overridden in the local config file, but I'd say 'Export to Excel' is pretty clear, and the suggested alternatives are less clear. Maybe 'Export as .xlsx' would work.

Upstream declined this because the request is invalid - it IS export to Excel and not export to CSV hence the naming is correct.

...and if you want this to be renamed to 'Export as .xlsx' please reopen and adjust the task summary. Thanks.

Nemo_bis renamed this task from Rename "Export to Excel" to "Export to CSV" to Rename "Export to Excel" to "Export to .xlsx".Nov 20 2014, 6:32 PM
Nemo_bis reopened this task as Open.

The button still needs to be removed until it works; or should that be done as part of T152?

Qgil subscribed.

T152 is enough to remind us that there is a situation to solve there.

PS: I don't think we are helping users with a string like "Export to .xlsx", just like mentioning Office Open XML Workbook wouldn't help either.

This situation is really absurd. Why do we keep showing the button if it doesn't work? If I understand correctly it would take a minute for an admin to change the string to "Export (BROKEN)" or "[ignore this button]".

Additionally, the button doesn't have a specific CSS class, but uses class="grey button", so I can't easily display: none it. Should we file reports upstream to ask descriptive class(es)?

(As actionable compromise titles have not worked, I'm reverting to the original request which best expresses the problem whatever the preferred solution might be.)

Nemo_bis renamed this task from Rename "Export to Excel" to "Export to .xlsx" to Get rid of "Export to Excel".Dec 2 2014, 10:19 AM

Should we file reports upstream to ask descriptive class(es)?

If you decided to do so you might want to read first.

Reopening. It's still not acceptable to promote a proprietary software.

Just to confirm, I checked the Microsoft site: Excel is a trademark (of course) and their general guidelines apply. We are currently in infringement of several articles of them, as far as I can see. "Properly identify Microsoft brand products" certainly applies; perhaps "Using appropriate vs. inappropriate descriptors"; hopefully not "Use Trademark notices"; and currently not " Set Microsoft Trademarks apart from other words or nouns they modify".

The button, if for some reason upstream is so attached to the name of this M$ product and we don't want to remove it locally, should probably be "Export to Excel®" or "Export to an Excel®-based spreadsheet" (or whatever other noun; they just mandate the "-based" part).

Some suggestions:

  • While PHPExcel is not installed, we can use "Export (disabled)" to clarify it's not working yet:
    pasted_file (100×424 px, 8 KB)
  • Afterwards, we can simply use "Export":

pasted_file (87×343 px, 6 KB)

  • or, if this is not clear enough, "Export as .xlsx":

pasted_file (102×404 px, 7 KB)

For how to add translations, see

Aklapper lowered the priority of this task from Low to Lowest.Jan 18 2015, 6:37 PM

Patch welcome :)

Reopening. It's still not acceptable to promote a proprietary software.

Just to confirm, I checked the Microsoft site: Excel is a trademark (of course) and their general guidelines apply. We are currently in infringement of several articles of them, as far as I can see. "Properly identify Microsoft brand products" certainly applies; perhaps "Using appropriate vs. inappropriate descriptors"; hopefully not "Use Trademark notices"; and currently not " Set Microsoft Trademarks apart from other words or nouns they modify".

I think your mind was poisoned by WMF Legal's attempt to request that every article mentioning "Wikipedia" had to be approved by WMF :-). Nobody needs to suffix (registered) trademarks with a symbol, and you certainly don't need to comply with arbitrary rules of the trademark owner. You just need to not name your product in a similar way (i. e. distribute a programm called "Ecxel"). If a function exports data to Excel, it's perfectly fine to label it "Export to Excel".

But I agree that this can sound like an endorsement ("you need Excel to process the exported data"), and if possible, I think this should be avoided.

  • While PHPExcel is not installed, we can use "Export (disabled)" to clarify it's not working yet:
    pasted_file (100×424 px, 8 KB)
  • Afterwards, we can simply use "Export":

pasted_file (87×343 px, 6 KB)

Works for me.

gerritbot subscribed.

Change 189327 had a related patch set uploaded (by Merlijn van Deen):
Change 'Export to Excel' to 'Export (disabled)'


Change 189327 merged by Dzahn:
Change 'Export to Excel' to 'Export (disabled)'

It now says "(disabled)" to clarify that. I merged the change above.

In T257#3253, @flimport wrote:

aklapper wrote on 2014-06-18 00:35:57 (UTC)

Installing PHPExcel on the server is already covered by T243

^ wrong ticket number, that's something else

In T257#1025895, @Dzahn wrote:
In T257#3253, @flimport wrote:

aklapper wrote on 2014-06-18 00:35:57 (UTC)

Installing PHPExcel on the server is already covered by T243

^ wrong ticket number, that's something else

Yeah, that's T152. This is due to the ticket number mixup after going from phab-01.wmflabs.o -> phabricator.wm.o

valhallasw claimed this task.

thanks, valhallasw. note to self: andre__ told me how to check for the new number of old tickets imported from fab labs. use prefix "fl" in the reference field in advanced search