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Add a description to the files line for [[Special:Statistics]]
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At en-WP, the "uploaded files" line for Special:Statistics is a little misleading, since many new users may assume that it means there are only 800,000 files available on Wikipedia, when actually there are 62 million, just most of those are hosted at Commons. I'd like to request, following up on the on-wiki discussion, that a description be added to the line, similar to those for other lines at the statistics page. This would allow us to write something like "Includes only locally hosted files, not those in shared repositories", which would help clarify.

I'm not too familiar with the technical details, but @Xaosflux suggests it could take the form (parentheses: (statistics-uploads-desc: )) that would initialize a new message, [[MediaWiki:statistics-uploads-desc]].

Event Timeline

en:MediaWiki:Statistics-summary already exists, but the bug here is that the special page does not know about that.

Change 612939 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ammarpad; owner: Ammarpad):
[mediawiki/core@master] Make Special:Statistics summary text to really work

That message suggests it is a summary for the entire page, not for the uploaded files section as seen in this image:

image.png (249×454 px, 11 KB)

It could still be useful to have that page-summary working, but that isn't really what this specific ask seems to be.

It could still be useful to have that page-summary working, but that isn't really what this specific ask seems to be.

OK I see that. Yes, the page level summary is another issue since it's expected to work all this while. I'll update the patch to fix both issues.

Umherirrender assigned this task to Ammarpad.
Umherirrender triaged this task as Medium priority.

Change 612939 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/core@master] Allow description text for uploaded files line in Special:Statistics