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Publish New Discussion Tool measurement plan
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This task is about creating and publishing the New Discussion Tool measurement plan.


When completed, this "measurement plan" will contain answers to, among others, the following questions:

    • What impact is the New Discussion Tool intended to have?
  • What data will we use to evaluate this impact?
  • What experiments will we run to gather this data?
  • What events will we instrument to evaluate who is using the New Discussion Tool and how they are using it?
  • In what schema will these events be stored?


The New Discussion Tool measurement plan is currently being drafted in this Google Doc (limited access for now):

Open questions



  • All "Open questions" are answered
  • All #TODO's are resolved

Event Timeline

ppelberg renamed this task from Publish measurement plan to Publish New Discussion Tool measurement plan.Aug 12 2020, 7:03 PM

Update: 14-August
@MNeisler I think the Talk pages project/New Discussion/Measurement plan is in a good enough place for you to review.

In addition to the specific questions I've added as comment within the doc, here are the "meta" questions I'd value hearing what you think about:

"Hypotheses"Do the "Hypotheses" seem practical considering the "Scope" of the intervention?
"Experiment plan"What "metrics" do you think be helpful in answering the "Research questions" associated with each analysis?
The plan as a wholeDo you see any logical inconsistencies within the measurement plan as a whole?

...of course, if other thoughts come to mind, please share them!

As for how we go about iterating on the measurement plan (read: getting to answers about the above), for now, let's talk via "comments" and "suggestions" within the doc itself.

ppelberg updated the task description. (Show Details)
ppelberg updated the task description. (Show Details)
ppelberg moved this task from Backlog to Analytics on the Editing-team (Tracking) board.
LGoto triaged this task as Medium priority.Aug 17 2020, 4:04 PM
LGoto edited projects, added Product-Analytics (Kanban); removed Product-Analytics.

@ppelberg I completed my initial review. Any changes or input of documented via "comments" and "suggestions" within the doc itself. Happy to discuss these further async in the doc and during our meeting this Wednesday.

@ppelberg I completed my initial review. Any changes or input of documented via "comments" and "suggestions" within the doc itself. Happy to discuss these further async in the doc and during our meeting this Wednesday.

Wonderful. Thank you for the update, @MNeisler. I've added comments in response. Let's discuss tomorrow (Wednesday) and then go from there.

Update: 3-Sep
I've updated the measurement plan to include the decisions we came to during the team meeting we had on Tuesday, 1-September and the meeting @MNeisler and had today.

Next steps

  • Megan is going to draft the "Metrics" we'll look at for each of the analyses we have planned
  • Megan and I will refine the "Metrics" and share with the team for discussion next week

Update: 3-Sep
I've updated the measurement plan to include the decisions we came to during the team meeting we had on Tuesday, 1-September and the meeting @MNeisler and had today.

Next steps

  • Megan is going to draft the "Metrics" we'll look at for each of the analyses we have planned
  • Megan and I will refine the "Metrics" and share with the team for discussion next week

The above is done. Next steps below.

Next steps

  • @MNeisler to review the "Pre-mortem" sections
  • Once the "Pre-mortem" is finished, we can finalize the experiment plan and get started on instrumentation.

Next steps

  • @MNeisler to review the "Pre-mortem" sections
  • Once the "Pre-mortem" is finished, we can finalize the experiment plan and get started on instrumentation.

I've completed my review of the pre-mortem sections and responded to the follow-up question re instrumentation. @ppelberg - Let me know if you have any other questions or sections you'd like reviewed.

@ppelberg - If ok, assigning this over to you for now as the next steps are to discuss v2 with the team. Per our discussions today, I'll help create instrumentation spec pending resolution of T265099

@ppelberg - If ok, assigning this over to you for now as the next steps are to discuss v2 with the team. Per our discussions today, I'll help create instrumentation spec pending resolution of T265099

Eeek. I'm sorry for the lag. Yep, assigning this over to me sounds great. I've adjusted the task description "Done" section to reflect what is needing to be done.

This is moot considering we've completed the final analysis of the New Topic Tool and published the results on