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Alignment issues in special pages with Desktop Improvements
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I noticed special pages like Special:Contributions behave differently than content pages. As an example, see this at frwiki:

image.png (892×1 px, 270 KB)

Notably, the Special page tab is somewhat in the middle, which doesn't look intended. The search bar is also intended, and isn't at the right side of the screen as it used to be.

On the other hand, content pages are granted much less space by the skin, and it also doesn't look natural (through it _is_ intended).

image.png (894×1 px, 133 KB)

A funny note: I got asked by fellow (cswiki) community members if the Foundation is preparing some space for advertisement. I know that's not true, but what's the purpose of the empty space? It's way too big :-).

Personally, I'd make the content occupy the whole screen, so it will look like this:

image.png (893×1 px, 133 KB)

Please note all screenshots are with safemode enabled, to temporarily turn off any personal scripts that might interfere with DI.

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I think it's intentional too, that certain special pages are being treated in a way different from content pages. See the discussion in T246420: Limit content width, and refine alignment & styling of relevant elements

the Special page tab is somewhat in the middle

It also looks odd that it has no left border when it is in that position

Volker_E renamed this task from Special pages don't interact well with Desktop Improvements to Alignment issues in special pages with Desktop Improvements.Oct 1 2020, 12:37 PM
Volker_E added a subscriber: Strainu.

@Urbanecm - thanks for bringing this up! A couple of notes/replies:

  • We introduced fixed with to content pages to improve readability. You can read more about the rationale behind our decision and more information on the actual width we settled on our project page here:, as well as in our FAQ here:
  • For special pages, which are meant to be scannable, we decided that a fixed width is not necessary, as the page is not meant to be read from top to bottom like an article. Thus, all special pages currently do not have a limited width.
  • This does create some awkwardness in terms of the tabs placement and styling. We will be slowly improving this area over the course of the project. The first change we will make here is to move the search bar into the top of the page. This is already deployed on all of our early adopter wikis, as well as for all users that have opted in using their preferences. On our early adopter wikis, we are also running an A/B test to measure the increase (if any) in the amount of search sessions based on the new location. From the screenshot above, it seems that you have been bucketed into our control group (the likelihood of which is 50% on our early adopter wikis). The test will run for two weeks, after which, we expect all special pages to look like this:

Screen Shot 2020-10-02 at 9.44.22 AM.png (1×2 px, 666 KB)

I'm resolving this task for now, as all the behavior stated here is expected. That said, let us know if you have any questions, and we can continue the conversation here, on wiki, or on our general feedback task: T258277: A friendly place to share your initial reactions to the first release of desktop improvements.