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Benchmark client side rendering performance
Closed, ResolvedPublic3 Estimated Story Points



Part of this iteration is to evaluate if client side rendering has an improvement in the experience of using maps in wikipedia projects.


The data report can be viewed in this spreadsheet

All frameworks and libraries were tested with a simple VueJS App. No efforts to improve performance were made in the app per se, but all the tested options had the same baselines for lib loading and vector-tile server source (except for tangram)

Acceptance criteria
  • Report for frontend rendering timings compared to consuming raster images

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It looks very interesting. Overall it seems like all the metrics between engines are similar except of the total blocking time.
I am wondering how the numbers would change if the benchmark setup is not just a main div in the DOM but also includes other elements where a map is nested.

@MSantos Just a small note regarding map loading performance. We currently use a single hostname for serving up tiles. Especially when multiple tiles are in the map (fullscreen), the browser tends to parallellize no more than 5 download requests for png image per host at a time. In my experience this is actually the biggest delay when loading any sort of larger map view that includes multiple tiles (fullscreen). This is also why on the old toolserver we used to have tiles.a.toolserver.og, and and why the leaflet style url specification allows for multiple domains.

Not sure if that needs to be taken into account, just wanted to share in case it might affect your metrics.

Change 664835 had a related patch set uploaded (by MSantos; owner: MSantos):
[maps/spikes@master] client-rendering: benchmark MVT and raster tiles

Change 664835 merged by MSantos:
[maps/spikes@master] client-rendering: benchmark MVT and raster tiles