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Timeless userboxes fail to float right and take up large page space
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


An example can be see on my user page but not if ?useskin=<non-timeless skin> is added to the URL.

Here's an example from AN/I of the large white space this causes

ani example.png (4×1 px, 412 KB)

Event Timeline

Since it's convenient, let me just merge my comment from the other task here.

Also table styling is funky on MediaWiki with a visible FOUC on for the infobox where it jumps from its correct position on the right to the left. (Not reproducible in Vector.)
@1997kB can only reproduce on MediaWiki wiki. I'm guessing the infobox template there doesn't have the right class (or has the wrong class).

I can now reproduce on en.wp also. Just needed cache to clear or something.

(This is affecting most tables.)

Tagging as high due to Izno reproducing the issue and crucial infobox templates being affected across the whole of the wiki.

Gwennie-nyan changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Bug Report".Jan 8 2021, 6:32 AM

Also discussed at

Something in Timeless is adding style="width: 956px;" to <caption>...</caption>. The number 956 depends on the window width. It apparently tries to center the caption in the whole window instead of the table.

Also discussed at

Something in Timeless is adding style="width: 956px;" to <caption>...</caption>. The number 956 depends on the window width. It apparently tries to center the caption in the whole window instead of the table.

Yeah, always center the caption on mobile was the original request (I made) as a result of the "scroll table" solution implemented for tables wider than the container that had been live for maybe a couple weeks now. (I.e. mobile and all tables, and desktop with big tables.)

Change 655115 had a related patch set uploaded (by Isarra; owner: Isarra):
[mediawiki/skins/Timeless@master] Make giant table sticky captions css only affect giant tables

Yeah, that was dumb, should have tested better before deployment. Sorry, guys.

Yeah, that was dumb, should have tested better before deployment. Sorry, guys.

Happens to the best of us.

Change 655115 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/skins/Timeless@master] Make giant table sticky captions js only affect giant tables