The licensing information is shown without the copyright icon/label which might make it difficult for users to see that the licensing info is present:
Quickview currently shows icons for CC & PD licenses, but nothing for other licenses. In that case, it only prints the license text
This is inconsistent and might be a bit confusing and make it harder for users to identify the license text for what it is.
MultimediaViewer seems to use this fallback; I suspect we should simply use the same icon:
url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns=%22 width=%2264%22 height=%2264%22 viewBox=%225.5 -3.5 64 64%22%3E %3Cpath fill=%22%2372777d%22 d=%22M13 .5v56h38.5C57.45 56.5 62 51.95 62 46V.5H13zM51.5 53H20V4h14v28l7-7 7 7V4h10.5v42c0 3.85-3.15 7-7 7z%22/%3E %3C/svg%3E")
Acceptance criteria:
- figure out which icon matches the svg code above
- find that icon in the WVUI icons file and copy/paste the data for that icon into the lib/icons.js file in the WBMI codebase
- Add logic to the QuickView component to show this icon if none of the other license icons apply