Some translatable pages consists of thousands of separate pages. Moving these on the job queue is not reliable. We should have a reliable backup method to perform these large renames. A command line script would accomplish this.
This may need some refactoring to re-use validation from the special page.
Script details
- Target page (target)
- Replacement name (replacement)
- Reason (--reason - Optional)
- Move sub pages (--move-sub-pages - Optional)
Sample output:
php moveTranslatablePage.php "Main Page TPT 123" "Main Page TPT" --reason "This is a test" --move-sub-pages Checking if "Main Page TPT 123" can be moved to "Main Page TPT" including sub pages Reason: This is a test Pages that will be moved: << Output similar to image below >> Type "MOVE" to perform begin the move operation: MOVE Moving, * Main Page TPT 123 → Main Page TPT * Main Page TPT 123/en → Main Page TPT/en * Main Page TPT 123/es → Main Page TPT/es * Main Page TPT 123/fr → Main Page TPT/fr .... failed, Reason: << REASON message here >> ..... Moved 25 pages including 3 subpages