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Convince Wikimedia Foundation to support reincanation of W3C working group Math
Closed, ResolvedPublic2 Estimated Story Points


The W3C has recently announced a new Math Working Group. I would appreciate it if WMF (a W3C) member would support those efforts. Therefore, I would like to

  • Find the WMF Advisory Committee Representative
  • Discuss if WMF is willing to support the proposal.

As far as I understand the process, there is one Advisory Committee Representative within WMF. Does anyone know how to figure out who this person is?



Due Date
Mar 9 2021, 11:00 PM

Event Timeline

Physikerwelt triaged this task as Medium priority.
Physikerwelt created this task.
Physikerwelt set Due Date to Mar 9 2021, 11:00 PM.
Physikerwelt set the point value for this task to 2.
Physikerwelt moved this task from Inbox to Blocked: needs help on the Math board.

@Gilles is this something you can comment on?

I am the WMF's W3C AC representative. Thanks for bringing my attention to this, I hadn't been paying attention to the AC mailing list recently and missed that announcement. I've reviewed the charter, MathML and math on the web are obviously things Wikimedia should support. I'm surprised that there was only a community group for this until now. I've voted in support of the proposal.

If you want to participate in that new working group and the chair won't invite you as an Invited Expert, I can look into the feasibility of you joining under the WMF's membership. It would probably involve you signing some legal documents with the Foundation and getting a email address. This isn't something we've done yet, so I can't make promises, but I can file requests with the relevant decision makers. Joining a working group as an Invited Expert is a lot simpler.

First off, thanks for the +1 for the reformed WG.

I'm happy to invite Moritz to join as an invited expert. The W3C seems to frown on groups having too many invited experts as it implies the member organizations are not that interested in math. Unfortunately, historically (and probably true for the new group), many of the members will be invited experts. I'm semi-retired myself and the W3C doesn't have a low membership fee tier for people like myself. Because of this, I'm an invited expert for some W3C groups and am assuming it won't be a problem to chair the MathML WG, although maybe I'll have a co-chair who is a member. If WMF can make Moritz their representative on the committee, it would be better for the committee and it would also allow WMF to voice any interests or concerns through Moritz. I can't gauge the relative difficulties of WMF's process vs becoming an invited expert, but I know there are a few hoops to jump through to being an invited expert after the chair requests it.

OK, I'll ask our legal department if Moritz could join the MathML WG under the Foundation's W3C membership. I'll let you know when I hear back from them.

Physikerwelt reassigned this task from Physikerwelt to Gilles.

Thank you. I think we are all set now.