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Extend memebership in W3C working group math
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In T275275 I requested to represent WMF in the W3C WG Math. The group charter has been renewed and now WMF should re-join. At least I would advocate for that.

Event Timeline

@Catrope we reviewed this task. Is there particular support that you need from Research?

I recently became the WMF's W3C AR representative, and I'm still figuring out how W3C stuff works. I'd be happy to help here, but I have a few questions:

  • Was WMF a member of the Math WG prior to its rechartering?
  • Was @Physikerwelt on the WG under WMF's membership?
  • Was the legal question of whether we can have non-staff be on a WG under our W3C membership ever addressed? (See T275275#6859946)
  • Is there any additional context, or anything special that I need to do?

@Catrope congrats and thank you for representing WMF at W3C. I'm very happy to see our representation continues. :)

I recently became the WMF's W3C AR representative, and I'm still figuring out how W3C stuff works. I'd be happy to help here, but I have a few questions:

  • Was WMF a member of the Math WG prior to its rechartering?

To the extent that it has been visible to me: I have no record of this particular membership.

I don't know.

  • Was the legal question of whether we can have non-staff be on a WG under our W3C membership ever addressed? (See T275275#6859946)

I checked my records. I was not included in the conversations. Please check directly with Legal. (If it helps, when we were considering to join for the first time in 2018-2019, Jan Gerlach and Stephen LaPorte were involved.)

  • Is there any additional context, or anything special that I need to do?
  • Be aware of w3c[at] if you are not already.
  • Through the above or some other way, let us know which WGs are available these days and if/how we can join. I suspect there will be a couple of them that Research may want to consider to join.

(I removed the Research tag as there is no direct ask for Research for now. I'm happy to answer other questions you may have to help you navigate.)

FYI: I'm co-chair of the Math WG. I'm not an expert on W3C rules, but I'll do my best.

Was WMF a member of the Math WG prior to its rechartering?

I believe the answer is trivially "yes" in the sense that every W3C member is entitled to be on any WG as long as they abide by the W3C rules for that group (various IP and royalty issues). AFAIK, Moritz had agreed to all the terms to join the group.

Was @Physikerwelt on the WG under WMF's membership?

Again, AFAIK, he was WMF's member representative. Each W3C member is allowed to have up to two voting members on each WG it participates in.

Was the legal question of whether we can have non-staff be on a WG under our W3C membership ever addressed? (See T275275#6859946)

From the W3C side, you can appoint whomever you want. The National Federation for the Blind use to be a member of the W3C and their representative was just a member of their organization and otherwise had no official status as staff/employee.

Is there any additional context, or anything special that I need to do?

I think you need to go to and fill it out. I'm not an AC rep and can't see it, but from other groups joining the Math WG, the email I get seems to indicate that is how AC reps nominate people for the WG.

  • Be aware of w3c[at] if you are not already.

I'm not aware of this, what is this?

I have filled out the form for WMF to rejoin the Math WG. After that I was taken to a nomination form, where @Physikerwelt's name was already checked. As far as I can tell this is now done, so I'm closing this task; please reopen if there are additional things I need to do for our Math WG membership.