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Italian mobile form obscures the card number field
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Donor 922456 reported that the form was blocking them from seeing the numbers they were entering. We asked for details, and they provided a screenshot. It shows that the message "La tua carta di credito/debito verra elaborata in modo sicuro" (trans: your card will be processed securely) does block the top half of the card number field. They entered 12 digits and then reached out to us.

I created smaller screenshots around the number field to not show that in Phab, because you can kind of tell what their #s are from the bottom halves in their screenshot.

922456 above card field.png (312×564 px, 52 KB)

922456 below card field.png (894×580 px, 70 KB)

This is the only case we've seen so far. We will thank them for their feedback and ask for browser and device specs, but I wanted to document this now in case we see more.

Event Timeline

DStrine subscribed.

I'll talk to fr-tech about this tomorrow.

got a little more info from the donor:
I Phone mod. MD2971 IP/A
Versione 10.3.4 iOS

@MBeat33 I think we can close this since we're using Adyen this year (not Ingenico). Still perplexed at what this person was seeing, but we won't be able to fix it now. Ok?

MBeat33 claimed this task.

Sure thing, @TSkaff one ticket from the old card processor is not too much to go on from this far away in time!