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InstantCommons can render a wiki completely unavailable during an outage.
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During both the DDoS and the parent task, we noticed that third party wikis can be taken down if InstantCommons is unavailable.

By taken down, I mean a response will time out completely not just images are missing.

For me, it also affected non-InstantCommons wikis because Varnish depooled stuff.

This should fail gracefully. I originally thought this was fixed because during T272215: High latency on appservers images just didn't appear for us.

Event Timeline

For the note, I know parsercache and squid proxies could both mitigate this but this focuses on assuming there is a standard install of InstantCommons.

As far as I can tell, defaults to $wgHTTPTimeout, which is 25 (seconds I assume). That seems a bit high for making API queries IMO, but reasonable for downloading images. Maybe a lower timeout should be set for those queries, which I assume is what hung your wikis?

For me, it also affected non-InstantCommons wikis because Varnish depooled stuff.

This seems like a configuration issue on your side, whatever health check you're using for Varnish shouldn't depend upon InstantCommons.

For me, it also affected non-InstantCommons wikis because Varnish depooled stuff.

This seems like a configuration issue on your side, whatever health check you're using for Varnish shouldn't depend upon InstantCommons.

I will have a look at what wiki varnish checks but I think most of our wikis probably have it on. I agree though and it is on my list of follow ups from our incident to look at Health checks using a more minimalist wiki.

$wgHTTPConnectTimeout is 5 sec if left at default value, and that's what should matter here (unless you don't have curl installed and are falling back to the pure PHP implementation, which is a bad idea in production).

The total timeout from MediaWiki/curl is 30 seconds which should stop this but then I smartly remembered we have Varnish which also has a 30 second mw* -> cp* akin to the WMF's setup.

I'd guess that Varnish needs a lower timeout than MediaWiki so despite me asking our team this 18 months ago and being told it didn't exist. I guess it does and it's our config.