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Support links for starting a new topic on a page different from the one you are currently on
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This task represents the work with ensuring the New Discussion Tool supports people seeking to start a new topic using an affordance that exists on a page that is different from the page they are wanting to start the new conversation on.

User story

As someone has the New Discussion Tool enabled, I want to feel confident that whenever I act on a call to action to start a new topic on a talk page, doing so will open the New Discussion Tool, so that I can feel confident starting a conversation.

Desired behavior

Part I.

  1. Enable the New Discussion Tool in Beta Features
  2. Visit a page that contains an affordance for starting a new topic on a page that is different from the talk page on which the affordance exists. E.g.
  3. Click the affordance mentioned in "Step 2"
  4. Notice you are taken to the page mentioned in "Step 2" and upon arriving, the new Discussion Tool is open and your browser is focused inside of it
  5. Enter a title and description
  6. Post topic
  7. Notice topic appears at the bottom of the page mentioned in step 2

Part II.

  1. Disable the New Discussion Tool in Beta Features
  2. Visit a page that contains an affordance for starting a new topic on a page that is different from the talk page on which the affordance exists
  3. Click the affordance mentioned in "Step 2"
  4. Notice you are taken to the legacy new section form for the page mentioned in "Step 2
  5. Enter a title and description
  6. Post topic
  7. Notice topic appears at the bottom of the page mentioned in "Step 2"


  • ===Desired behavior is implemented

Event Timeline

To clarify the relationship between this task and T282204: Handle URLs for starting new sections: the patch for T282204 will also resolve this task. Clicking a link to start a new topic on a different page will simply follow it, as it does now, and once the page loads, the new topic tool will open. If I understand correctly, we decided in the meeting yesterday that we are happy with that.

Potentially, that behavior could be improved, particularly in cases where the "different page" is actually transcluded on the current page. For example, on the page fr: Wikipédia:Le Bistro, the link "Ajouter un message" points to starting a new topic on a different page fr: Wikipédia:Le Bistro/28 juillet 2021, but that page is transcluded on the current page (at the bottom), so we could display the new topic and the new message (once its posted) on the current page. I suppose this is out of scope for now.

Clicking a link to start a new topic on a different page will simply follow it, as it does now, and once the page loads, the new topic tool will open. If I understand correctly, we decided in the meeting yesterday that we are happy with that.

This is correct. Let's see how this feels and iterate on it as needed.

Potentially, that behavior could be improved, particularly in cases where the "different page" is actually transcluded on the current page.

Great spot, Bartosz. Let's use this ticket to design for this case: T287595. Note: the title of that task could use improvement.

Ryasmeen subscribed.

@ppelberg: This seems to be working as expected. Although, it does not bring back the legacy new section form as you mentioned on the task description by just disabling Discussion Tools beta feature unless I disable it separately from mw-prefsection-editing. does not bring back the legacy new section form as you mentioned on the task description by just disabling Discussion Tools beta feature unless I disable it separately from mw-prefsection-editing.
It is expected that the New Discussion Tool would not be impacted by turning the DiscussionTools beta feature on/off because it is no longer a part of the DiscussionTools beta feature. [i]

I'm glad you raised this, @Ryasmeen.

i. In T272077, we made it so the New Discussion Tool is available by default on the Beta Cluster.