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cxserver CI fails errors from unrelated project
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> cxserver@1.2.0 test /srv/service
> npm run lint && npm run unittest

> cxserver@1.2.0 lint /srv/service
> eslint .

  4:22  error  "yaml" is not found  node/no-missing-require

  5:22  error  "yaml" is not found  node/no-missing-require

Full log example:
Pipeline view

(the build has been flagged to be kept for the purpose of this task)

Here function-schemata is not related to cxserver at all.

Event Timeline

The file /srv/service/function-schemata/javascript/src/utils.js would come from the repository mediawiki/services/function-schemata. The only thing I can imagine is that the container got build reusing some cached layer and that erroneously used a layer that was intended for function-schemata :-\

If I got it right the test container was run with:

docker run --name 'plib-run-xzpffatv' sha256:'99529c90bda3ac4962e87e204bf1b19f648e0f9bdc54ea395447feb4b8f52e68'

When looking at the image, under /srv/services there are cxserver files timestamped on June 2 at 05:51 and beside those:

$ ls -la|grep -v 05:51
total 440
drwxr-xr-x   1 root     root       4096 May 15 03:46 ..
drwxr-xr-x   7 somebody somebody   4096 Jun  2 00:02 function-schemata
drwxr-xr-x 582 somebody somebody  20480 May 25 03:31 node_modules
-rw-r--r--   1 somebody somebody     48 Jun  1 20:49 targets.yaml

And somehow .git/config has a few submodules:

	repositoryformatversion = 0
	filemode = true
	bare = false
	logallrefupdates = true
[remote "origin"]
	url = git://
	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[submodule "prod"]
	active = true
	url =
[submodule "function-schemata"]
	active = true
	url =
[submodule "modules/translators"]
	active = true
	url =
[submodule "modules/zotero"]
	active = true
	url =

That apparently comes from the Jenkins job workspace which has:

	repositoryformatversion = 0
	filemode = true
	bare = false
	logallrefupdates = true
[remote "origin"]
	url = git://
	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[submodule "prod"]
	active = true
	url =
[submodule "function-schemata"]
	active = true
	url =
[submodule "modules/translators"]
	active = true
	url =
[submodule "modules/zotero"]
	active = true
	url =

Which is suspicious.

Looking at the image history:

sudo docker history 99529c90bda3ac4962e87e204bf1b19f648e0f9bdc54ea395447feb4b8f52e68 
IMAGE               CREATED             CREATED BY                                      SIZE                COMMENT
99529c90bda3        7 hours ago         /bin/sh -c #(nop)  LABEL zuul.commit=5094828…   0B                  
645b16c68457        7 hours ago         /bin/sh -c #(nop)  LABEL jenkins.job=service…   0B                  
730146a41d7c        7 hours ago         /bin/sh -c #(nop)  LABEL     0B                  
ed1f9ef733c9        7 hours ago         /bin/sh -c #(nop)  LABEL blubber.variant=tes…   0B                  
7212b5c301b8        7 hours ago         /bin/sh -c #(nop)  ENTRYPOINT ["npm" "test"]    0B                  
ec22fd9e6805        7 hours ago         /bin/sh -c #(nop)  ENV NODE_ENV=                0B                  
bcc82238d808        7 hours ago         /bin/sh -c #(nop)  ENV HOME=/home/runuser       0B                  
12409ca5488a        7 hours ago         /bin/sh -c #(nop)  USER 900                     0B                  
7e7a219f0af0        7 hours ago         /bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY --chown=65533:65533di…   209MB               
7871c725c08e        8 days ago          /bin/sh -c npm install                          205MB               
f815c6380de6        2 weeks ago         /bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY --chown=65533:65533fi…   1.81kB              
dbf556a55c13        2 weeks ago         /bin/sh -c #(nop)  ENV APP_BASE_PATH=/srv/se…   0B                  
416298d96a21        2 weeks ago         /bin/sh -c #(nop) WORKDIR /srv/service          0B                  
5434b4d62925        2 weeks ago         /bin/sh -c #(nop)  ENV HOME=/home/somebody      0B                  
6edc100d7568        2 weeks ago         /bin/sh -c #(nop)  USER 65533                   0B                  
56c4e041eb8c        2 weeks ago         /bin/sh -c (getent group "900" || groupadd -…   9.17kB              
051382ccc952        2 weeks ago         /bin/sh -c (getent group "65533" || groupadd…   8.99kB              
2360c8b548d7        8 weeks ago         /bin/sh -c apt-get update && apt-get install…   249MB               
afd1fc979732        2 months ago        /bin/sh -c #(nop)  ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=nonin…   0B                  
3b7900c2515f        2 months ago        /bin/sh -c #(nop)  ENV HOME=/root               0B                  
6508a7aa7811        2 months ago        /bin/sh -c #(nop)  USER 0                       0B                  
bf379a1552f5        22 months ago       |4 HTTPS_PROXY=http://webproxy.eqiad.wmnet:8…   78MB                
<missing>           22 months ago       /bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY file:ed374e0a9cfac84b…   3.13kB              
<missing>           2 years ago                                                         56.2MB              Imported from -

I examined those images and function-schemata got introduced in the image 7e7a219f0af0. Which does a COPY of the workspace. And surely that is how the files landed in. In that image they have the timestamp Jun 1 20:49

I have saved the build workspace to /srv/jenkins-slave/workspace/service-pipeline-test-T284125 . It does not contain the function-schemata directory. So that is an entire mystery.

Yeah that will keep continuing but I can not find how extra modules get added to .gitmodules apparently from different repositories. The workspace does have a .git/modules with some stalled content:

$ ls -la .git/modules
total 20
drwxr-xr-x 5 jenkins-slave jenkins-slave 4096 Apr 28 09:08 .
drwxr-xr-x 9 jenkins-slave jenkins-slave 4096 Jun  3 09:00 ..
drwxr-xr-x 8 jenkins-slave jenkins-slave 4096 Jun  3 05:50 function-schemata
drwxr-xr-x 4 jenkins-slave jenkins-slave 4096 Apr 28 09:08 modules
drwxr-xr-x 8 jenkins-slave jenkins-slave 4096 Jun  1 14:08 prod

$ ls -la .git/modules/modules
total 16
drwxr-xr-x 4 jenkins-slave jenkins-slave 4096 Apr 28 09:08 .
drwxr-xr-x 5 jenkins-slave jenkins-slave 4096 Apr 28 09:08 ..
drwxr-xr-x 8 jenkins-slave jenkins-slave 4096 May 13 12:15 translators
drwxr-xr-x 9 jenkins-slave jenkins-slave 4096 May 13 12:15 zotero

Maybe the submodules keep accumulating cause the workspace does not get cleaned and some magic would detect them and add them back to .gitconfig? I don't know really.

I think the issue lies in jjb/service-pipeline.groovy which might not wipe the workspace. It starts with:

stage('Checkout patch') {

Which would mean we need some extra option in integration/pipelinelib file src/org/wikimedia/integration/PatchSet.groovy. It does use the Git plugin clean before checkout:

[$class: 'CleanBeforeCheckout', deleteUntrackedNestedRepositories: true],

That got introduced recently by @jeena with and replaced the WipeWorkspace option previously used. I guess clean does not reclaim untracked repositories under .git/modules and they end up being "helpfully" added back to .gitmodules.

Change 697825 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jeena Huneidi; author: Jeena Huneidi):

[integration/pipelinelib@master] Revert "Make sure workspace is clean on checkout"

Change 697825 merged by jenkins-bot:

[integration/pipelinelib@master] Revert "Make sure workspace is clean on checkout"

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-releng) [2021-06-03T19:06:32Z] <hashar> contint1001 and contint2001: deleted all workspaces under /srv/jenkins-slave/workspace/* # T284125

hashar claimed this task.

That is fixed for real now. We might have published image that come with the extra git modules though, though I haven't looked at the other jobs workspaces to confirm whether it would have happen or not. Does not seem to big a bit concern to me anyway.