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Don’t open entity suggestions when a valid value is already selected
Closed, ResolvedPublic5 Estimated Story Points


As a Wikidata editor using the web interface, I want to navigate the editing UI without unneeded suggestions popping up.

When editing, after having selected a valid entity value, the list of suggestions may be shown again and again each time the entity input is clicked. This seems unnecessary as the list is mainly useful if no valid value is currently selected.


GIVEN a Wikidata user entered an entity value via UI
AND the entity value is valid
WHEN the user clicks back to this entity input (without changing the value)
THEN the list of suggestions is not shown again

Acceptance criteria:

  • BDD is fulfilled and everything else is still working

Event Timeline

The two changes Show menu on focus, not click and Fix tracking of “is searching” flag would cause the suggestions to be opened even more often; while I originally created them for T284219, I now think it’s better to postpone merging them until this task is fixed.

Hi @Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE, sounds good to me! What would you recommend, process-wise?

I would suggest that we pick this task up soon (ideally I’d like to do it myself, while I still remember the suggester stuff a bit – I think it shouldn’t be too difficult), and then we can merge those two changes together with the fix for this task.

Addshore set the point value for this task to 5.Jun 23 2021, 10:57 AM

Change 702670 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ladsgroup; author: Ladsgroup):

[data-values/value-view@master] Don't show the suggester options when an entity is selected

Change 702890 had a related patch set uploaded (by Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE); author: Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE)):

[data-values/value-view@master] Don’t show suggester when an entity is selected

Change 702891 had a related patch set uploaded (by Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE); author: Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE)):

[mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase@master] WIP: Don’t show suggester when an entity is selected

Change 702670 abandoned by Ladsgroup:

[data-values/value-view@master] Don't show the suggester options when an entity is selected


Change 702890 merged by jenkins-bot:

[data-values/value-view@master] Don’t show suggester when an entity is selected

Change 702891 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase@master] Don’t show suggester when an entity is selected

@Manuel I'm leaving this one for verification by you!

This works like a charm, thank you! :)