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Implement UX for non-eligible users
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As part of this design we're tightening the requirements for accessing the library for simplicity. Instead of being able to log in and file applications even if you don't meet the requirements, we're now requiring all users to meet the Bundle requirements to access the library.


Acceptance criteria

  • When a user logs in, if they do not meet the access criteria for any reason, they should be presented with this view.
  • Users in the coordinator and staff user groups should be exempt from this restriction.
    • If the coordinator/staff member is not eligible for the library, and My Library is empty for them, the following message should be displayed in place of the tiles: "You are not eligible to use the library but are able to log in because you are a coordinator or staff member. View your profile to check your eligibility." 'Your profile' should be linked to the user profile page.
  • When a user logs in, they see the “Sorry, your Wikipedia account…” popup. This popup should not be closeable, and background elements should be disabled and noninteractive.
  • Profile/Settings should take users to
  • The behaviour of the checks/crosses and additional messages (i.e. blocked users) should remain the same as the current site.
  • Clicking the question mark should take users to the Contact us page.

This task should not be merged to production until all subtasks of T285929 are ready to deploy.

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